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Onsite Sewage Disposal

Alabama state law requires owners of property to obtain a permit from the local health department prior to installing a new onsite sewage disposal system or making repairs to an existing system.

Steps to Installing a New Onsite Sewage System or Repairing an Existing Sewage System

1. Residents of Baldwin County should have a  test performed by a registered soils professional. The health department can provide a list of soils professionals if needed.

2. Along with an application and the appropriate fee, the results from the soil test are submitted to the health department. 

3. If the test results indicate some restriction at the site, a registered engineer must design the onsite system.

4. The health department will then review the material and make a visit to the site.

5. A permit will be issued to the owner when all requirements have been met.

6. Using the permit, a licensed installer will install or repair the system.

7. The installer must contact the health department for an inspection before covering the system.

The Environmental Health Division has information available to the public regarding the care and maintenance needed by onsite systems. For these brochures and pamphlets or for information about workshops, call (251) 947-3618.

Page last updated: May 13, 2021