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Onsite Sewage

Alabama State Law requires homeowners and businesses not connected to a public sanitary sewer system to obtain a permit from the local health department prior to installing a new or making repairs to an existing onsite sewage disposal system.

Below are the basic steps to follow prior to installing an onsite system:

  • Contact a registered engineer, land surveyor, professional soils classifier or geologist. A registered engineer must perform the required tests for designed systems where soil will not percolate well, on locations with average seasonal high extended saturation shallower than allowed for conventional systems, or large systems.
  • The professional will perform necessary soil tests.
  • An application for a Permit to Install an Onsite Sewage Disposal System must include the professional's soils information, a legal description of the property, a plot plan, a vicinity map, and in some instances a construction plan.
  • The owner or the owner's agent can then submit the application to the health department with the applicable fee for review.
  • The health department will review the application and soil test results.
  • A permit to install will then be issued to the homeowner or business if the application is approved.
  • Be sure to contact the health department prior to beginning the installation.

View Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Rules

Page last updated: May 13, 2021