CONTACT: Lawrence County Health Department
(256) 974-1141
Drive-up COVID-19 testing clinics will be offered at the Lawrence County Health Department on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 1 until 3:30 p.m. beginning April 21.
Please call (256) 974-1149 for an appointment and to preregister. The address of the Lawrence County Health Department is 13299 Alabama Highway 157, Moulton.
To be tested, individuals must be 10 years old or older and meet these criteria:
The patient is symptomatic with at a minimum (measured or subjective)
If you have no symptoms, testing is not recommended. If you have mild symptoms and do not fall into one of the above high-risk groups, it is recommended that you self-isolate at home and call 1-888-264-2256 if your symptoms worsen.
Clinics will be continued so long as there is demonstrated community need. Local leaders urge calm and patience during this trying time for all.
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