Drive-up COVID-19 testing available at the Chambers County Agricultural Arena in Lafayette


CONTACT: Chambers County Health Department
(334) 756-0760

A one-day drive-up COVID-19 testing clinic will be offered in Lafayette by the Chambers County Health Department to patients who meet the testing criteria and call the Chambers County Health Department for an appointment at (334) 756-0760. (Chambers County Health Department is on EASTERN Time, so callers will need to call Monday - Thursday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. EDT.)

The drive-up clinic is scheduled as follows:

  • Thursday, May 7, 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. CDT, Chambers County Agricultural Arena, 1074 Hwy 77, Lafayette, AL (Lafayette is on CENTRAL time.)

To be tested, individuals must meet these criteria which were updated April 24:

The patient is a resident of a long-term care facility and the facility has laboratory-confirmed cases in residents or staff, or

The patient is symptomatic with at minimum (measured or subjective) fever OR cough OR shortness of breath, and

  • hospitalized, or
  • immunocompromised or has co-morbidities, or
  • age 65 years or older, or
  • a healthcare worker, or
  • associated with a long-term healthcare facility, or
  • has moderate, severe, or worsening symptoms.

If you have no symptoms, testing is not recommended. If you have mild symptoms and do not fall into one of the above high-risk groups, it is recommended that you self-isolate at home and call 1-888-264-2256 if your symptoms worsen.

Local leaders urge calm and patience during this trying time for all.

County health departments throughout Alabama provide a wide range of confidential and professional services. Contact your local county health department for additional information.

Mission: To promote, protect, and improve Alabama’s health

Vision: Healthy People. Healthy Communities. Healthy Alabama.

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