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HIV Provider Training

HIV Testing and Beyond: Promoting Linkage, Retention, and Adherence to HIV Care

This webcast from the Alabama Public Health Training Network describes discrete processes across the continuum of HIV care. Information is presented in the context of the U.S. National HIV/AIDS Strategy, which includes explicit goals for serostatus awareness, linkage, and retention in HIV medical care.

Sexual Health and the Sexual History: Asking the Tough Questions

In this webcast from the Alabama Public Health Training Network, program faculty discuss the rationale for taking a sexual history and provide skills to help you efficiently and effectively communicate with patients about their sexuality, sexual behavior and sexual health risk.

HIV Screening. Standard Care. (HSSC)

As part of its Act Against AIDS campaign, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention has initiated "HIV Screening. Standard Care. (HSSC)" as a way to assist physicians in making HIV testing a standard part of medical care. HSSC resources and materials, including a quick, annotated guide to recommendations and patient education materials to help answer patients' questions about HIV testing, are available free to providers at HSCC for Primary Care Providers.

OraQuick Advance Rapid HIV - 1 & 2 Online Training

The OraQuick Advance Rapid HIV-1 & 2 Online Training is now available. You will need to complete a professional data profile before accessing the video. Please allow 40-45 minutes to complete the training.

FC2 Female Condom Masterclass

The FC2 Female Condom Online Masterclass is now available, with nine episodes covering topics from gender to value based communication to behavior change to how-to-use instructions for the female condom. View all nine episodes online.

Page last updated: May 20, 2024