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On Demand January 27, 2006

HIV/AIDS in the South and Challenges in Other Non-Metropolitan Areas in the U.S.

Original Broadcast: January 27, 2006 | (2 hours 30 minutes)


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Program Overview

The Southern States Manifesto, HIV/AIDS & STDs in the South was released in March of 2002. The report brought national attention to the devastating impact of HIV/AIDS and STDs across southern communities and localities. The disparities include higher than national averages of disease rates, disproportionate disease rates among persons of color, and inadequate resources to respond to the crisis. Nearly four years later as the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the South continues to grow and as the Ryan White C.A.R.E. Act Languishes in Congress, the Southern AIDS Coalition, in partnership with the Alabama Department of Public Health hosted this program to highlight concerns and to discuss solutions.


Laura Hall
State of Alabama Representative

Michael S. Saag, MD
Director, UAB Center for AIDS Research

Peter Leone, MD
HIV/AIDS Medical Director
North Carolina Division of Public Health

Jane Cheeks, JD, MPH
State AIDS Director, Alabama

Evelyn Foust, MPH
State AIDS Director
North Carolina

Kathie Hiers
Chief Executive Officer
AIDS Alabama

Claude Martin
Executive Director
Acadiana CARES
Lafayette, Louisiana

Target Audience

HIV/AIDS providers, State AIDS Directors, AIDS Service Organizations, physicians, people living with HIV Disease and Congressional staff members.

Contact Hours

None for this program.

Contact for Technical Assistance

Call 334-206-5618 or email ALPHTN.

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