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Perinatal Program

The State Perinatal Program identifies and recommends strategies that will effectively decrease infant morbidity and mortality. The Program encourages cooperative relationships among healthcare providers and institutions to ensure medically effective and cost-efficient perinatal care and to raise awareness regarding infant morbidity and mortality. Learn more about our program by reading the Program Overview below.

What's New

Perinatal depression is a treatable depression that occurs during or after pregnancy. Mothers may experience feelings of sadness, anxiety, and fatigue, making it difficult for them to care for themselves or others. In rare cases, perinatal depression can be severe enough to put the health of the mother and baby at risk. The National Institute of Mental Health has published a brochure that explains the signs, symptoms, and treatments of perinatal depression. Follow the link below to learn more.

Program Overview

To confront the state's high infant mortality rate, a group of physicians, other health providers, and interested citizens came together and became the impetus behind the passage of the Alabama Perinatal Health Act in 1980. This statute established the State Perinatal Program and the mechanism for its operation under the direction of the State Board of Health.

The State Perinatal Program is based on a concept of regionalization of care, a systems approach in which program components in a geographic area are defined and coordinated to ensure that pregnant women and their infants have access to appropriate care. The state's regional perinatal health care system is composed of five regions. The availability of neonatal intensive care (NICU) directs the organization of the regionalized care system.

Fetal and Infant Mortality Review (FIMR)

The Fetal and Infant Mortality Review Program was established to identify critical community strengths and weaknesses as well as unique health and social issues associated with poor outcomes of pregnancy. The Program is a community-based statewide initiative designed to enhance the health and well-being of women, infants, and families through the review of unidentified individual cases of fetal (stillbirth) and infant deaths and voluntary maternal interviews. Visit FIMR for more information.

Page last updated: May 1, 2024