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HCCA LogoHealthy Child Care Alabama (HCCA) is a program that supports people who take care of other people’s children - whether it is in a child care center or day care home, or through family, friend, or neighbor care. HCCA is sponsored by the Alabama Department of Public Health and the Alabama Department of Human Resources. HCCA receives national support from the American Academy of Pediatrics in partnership with the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

HCCA is staffed by experienced, licensed professional Registered Nurses across the state. Our services are provided free of charge to all day care providers and community groups.

Our nurses are also available to provide education to child-serving agencies within the communities they serve and are always available to parent groups.

The health and safety topics our nurses teach are required for day care providers. These include:

  • Prevention and control of infectious disease
  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and safe sleep
  • Medication administration
  • Prevention of and response to emergencies
  • Building and physical premises safety
  • Prevention of Shaken Baby Syndrome or abusive head trauma
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Handling and storage of hazardous materials, including correct disposal of bio-contaminants
  • Appropriate precautions in transporting children
  • CPR and First Aid
  • Recognizing and reporting child abuse and neglect

Visit Services for more information. Visit Find Your Consultant to locate a HCCA nurse in your area.

HCCA was developed to:

  • promote health and safety to prevent injuries and the risk of illness in child care settings.
  • encourage routine visits to the health care provider.
  • encourage practices to promote optimal brain development and good nutrition for good health and development.
  • coordinate community services to make sure children have the medical care that they need.

"Quality Child Care" is more than just baby sitting!

CCDF Tracking Form

Providers, this tracking form has been developed by Family Guidance. It is a great way to keep track of the trainings you have provided.

Page last updated: March 1, 2024