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A-Z Index
For a list of links to information pertaining to programs and services provided by the Alabama Department of Public Health, visit Programs and Services.
CDC Resources in Languages Other than English - Visit the CDC Multilingual Content to access posters and handouts for download and printing in multiple languages.
Table of Contents:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Abortion Forms and Materials (Health Care Facilities)
- About Us
- Abstinence Education (Teen Pregnancy Prevention)
- ACCCC - Alabama Comprehensive Cancer Control
- Accreditation
- Activity Certification for Nursing Homes
- Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention
- Adoption Information (Health Statistics - Vital Records)
- Adult Viral Hepatitis Prevention
- Advanced Directive Form (Living Will and Health Care Proxy)
- Advance Directives/Portable Physician Do Not Attempt Resuscitation Orders
- AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP)
- AIMS (Alabama Incident Management System)
- Alabama Health Dashboard
- Alabama's Health Blog
- Alabama's Health Employee Newsletter
- Alabama's Listening! Universal Newborn Hearing Screening
- Alabama Open Records Act (AORA) Requests
- Alabama Wellness Alliance
- Alabama WISEWOMAN Program
- ALL Babies
- ALL Kids (Children's Health Insurance)
- Alabama Community Health Improvement Plan (ACHIP)
- Alabama Head and Spinal Cord Injury Registry Law
- Alabama Healthy Teens
- Alabama Public Health Training Network (ALPHTN)
- Alabama State Health Assessment
- Alabama State Health Improvement Plan
- Alabama Statewide Cancer Registry (ASCR)
- ALNBS (Alabama NEDSS Base System)
- Alzheimer's Disease
- Anaphylaxis
- Annual Health Statistics Publications
- Annual Reports (Publications)
- Anthrax (Risk Communication)
- Antibiotic-Resistant Organisms
- Antimicrobial Resistance/Antibiotic Stewardship
- Arbovirus (Infectious Diseases & Outbreaks)
- Arenaviruses
- ARIA (Automated Report of Incidents and Accidents)
- Asthma Coalition
- Autauga County Health Department
- Avian Flu
- Baldwin County Health Department
- Barbour County Health Department
- Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
- Bibb County Health Department
- Birth Certificates (Health Statistics - Vital Records)
- Birth Control (Family Planning)
- Blister Agents (Risk Communication)
- Blog, Alabama's Health
- Blood Agents (Risk Communication)
- Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure (Infectious Diseases & Outbreaks)
- Blount County Health Department
- Body Art (Food, Milk and Lodging)
- Bone Health (Nutrition and Physical Activity)
- Booster Seats (Injury Prevention)
- Botulism (Risk Communication)
- Brain Health
- Breast and Cervical Cancer
- Breast Cancer (Cancer Division)
- Breast Cancer Treatment Education
- Breastfeeding
- Bullock County Health Department
- Bullying/Youth Violence (Injury Prevention)
- Bureau Directors Phone List
- Bureau of Clinical Laboratories
- Bureau of Communicable Disease
- Bureau of Prevention, Promotion, and Support
- Butler County Health Department
- Calendar - Online | Print
- Calhoun County Health Department
- Cancer Division
- Cancer Coalition (ACCCC)
- Cancer Registry (ASCR)
- Cardiovascular Health
- Car Seats (Injury Prevention)
- Careers with ADPH
- CASPER After the Gulf Coast Oil Spill (Risk Communication)
- Center for Emergency Preparedness
- Center for Health Statistics
- Central Office Telephone Listing
- Certificates (Health Statistics - Vital Records)
- Certified Nurse Aide Registry
- Cervical and Breast Cancer
- Cervical Cancer (Cancer Division)
- Chambers County Health Department
- Cherokee County Health Department
- Chikungunya (Infectious Diseases & Outbreaks)
- Child Care
- Child Care CPR First Aid Training
- Child Care Health and Safety Training
- Child Death Review System
- Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention
- Childhood Obesity (Alabama Wellness Alliance)
- Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
- Children's Resources
- Child Restraints (Injury Prevention)
- Chilton County Health Department
- Chlamydia (STD)
- Choctaw County Health Department
- Chronic Disease
- Clarke County Health Department
- Clay County Health Department
- Clear the Crib Challenge
- Cleburne County Health Department
- Clinical Laboratories
- Clubs, Departmental (Workforce Development)
- CNA Certification
- Coastal Conditions (Infectious Diseases & Outbreaks)
- Coffee County Health Department
- Colbert County Health Department
- Colorectal Cancer
- Communicable Diseases (Bureau of Communicable Disease)
- Communication Assistance, Free
- Community Environmental Protection
- Community (Statewide) Health Assessment (SHA)
- Complaint Form - Environmental Complaint
- Complaint Form - Foodborne Illness
- Complaint Form - Nursing Homes
- Compliance
- Compliance Education
- Compliant Hotlines for Assisted Living and Nursing Home Facilities
- Conecuh County Health Department
- Controlled Substances
- Coordinated Chronic Disease Prevention Program
- Coosa County Health Department
- Core Values
- Coronavirus
- County Health Departments
- County Specific and State Data (Health Statistics)
- COVID-19
- COVID-19 Data (see also: Viral Respiratory Diseases Dashboard)
- COVID-19 Vaccination Provider Support
- COVID-19 Vaccine
- Covington County Health Department
- CPR First Aid Training for Child Care
- Crenshaw County Health Department
- Cribs for Kids
- Crisis and Risk Communication Training (CERC) (Risk Communication)
- CT Scan (Radiation Control)
- Cullman County Health Department
- Dale County Health Department
- Dallas County Health Department
- Dashboards
- Dashboard: Alabama Health Dashboard
- Dashboard: Mpox Dashboard
- Dashboard: Viral Respiratory Diseases
- Data Analytics
- Data, Public Health
- Day Care
- Death Certificates (Health Statistics - Vital Records)
- DeKalb County Health Department
- Dementia
- Demographics/Population (Health Statistics)
- Dengue
- Dental Health
- DETECT Notifiable Diseases (Infectious Diseases & Outbreaks)
- Diabetes
- Disability and Health
- Disasters in Alabama
- Disease Outbreaks (Bureau of Communicable Disease)
- Disposal of Home Medical Waste (Diabetes)
- Districts (Public Health) Map
- Divorce Certificates (Health Statistics - Vital Records)
- Domestic Violence (Injury Prevention)
- Donor Registry (Viral Hepatitis Prevention)
- Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (DNAR) Form
- Driving, Teen
- Drug Abuse (Prescription Drug Monitoring Program)
- Drywall, Imported (Toxicology)
- Ebola Virus Disease
- Electronic Cigarettes (E-cigs) (Tobacco)
- Electronic Health Records (ADPH County Health Departments)
- Electronic Health Records (Primary Care and Rural Health)
- Elmore County Health Department
- Employee (ADPH) Email
- Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
- Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC)
- Emergency Preparedness
- Employment Opportunities
- en Español
- Enterovirus D68 (EV-D68)
- Environmental Complaint Form
- Environmental Services
- Epidemiology (Infectious Diseases & Outbreaks)
- Epinephrine Auto-Injector
- Epipen
- Escambia County Health Department
- Etowah County Health Department
- Events, ADPH
- Facilities Management and Technical Services
- Falls (Injury Prevention)
- Family Planning
- Family Readiness Guide
- Fast Track Sexual Health Testing (Montgomery County)
- Fayette County Health Department
- Fentanyl and Fentanyl Strips
- Fetal and Infant Mortality Review (FIMR) Program (Perinatal)
- Fire Safety (Injury Prevention)
- Fish Consumption Advisories
- FITWAY (Colorectal Cancer)
- Flood Clean-Up (Indoor Air Quality)
- Flu
- Flu, Avian (Infectious Diseases & Outbreaks)
- Flu Data (Infectious Diseases & Outbreaks)
- Flu Vaccine (Immunization)
- Foodborne Diseases (Infectious Diseases & Outbreaks)
- Foodborne Illness (Food, Milk and Lodging)
- Foodborne Illness Complaint Form
- Food, Milk and Lodging
- Food Establishment Scores
- Franklin County Health Department
- Free Communication Assistance
- General Counsel (Legal)
- Geneva County Health Department
- Get 10 - Get Ready for Emergencies
- Gonorrhea (STD)
- Granite Countertops (Radiation Control)
- Greene County Health Department
- Guide to Services (Publications)
- Gulf Oil Spill 2010 (Risk Communication)
- HADIS (HIV/AIDS Disease Information System)
- Hale County Health Department
- Hazardous Waste Sites (Toxicology)
- Head and Spinal Cord Injury Registry (Alabama Trauma Registry)
- Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI)
- Health Care Facilities
- Health Care Facilities Deficiencies
- Health Care Facilities Directory
- Health Care Facilities Rules
- Health Departments, County
- Health Equity and Minority Health, Office of
- Health Information Technology (HIT) and Electronic Health Records (EHR) (Primary Care and Rural Health)
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
- Health Insurance, Children's
- Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Law and Rules (Managed Care Compliance)
- Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) Designations (Primary Care and Rural Health)
- Health Provider Standards (Health Care Facilities)
- Health Rankings
- Health Statistics
- Healthy Child Care Alabama (HCCA)
- Healthy Meetings (Nutrition and Physical Activity)
- Healthy Teens
- Healthy Vending Machines (Nutrition and Physical Activity)
- Healthy Wellness Initiative (Nutrition and Physical Activity)
- Heat-Related Illness (Injury Prevention)
- Henry County Health Department
- Hepatitis, Adult Viral
- Hepatitis A Outbreak (Immunization)
- HIV and Pregnancy (HIV/AIDS)
- HIV/STD Home Testing
- HIV Surveillance Branch
- Home Care Services
- Hospital Discharge Data
- Houston County Health Department
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV) (Cancer Division)
- Human Resources
- ImmPRINT Resource (Immunization)
- ImmPRINT (Immunization Patient Resource with Internet Technology)
- Immunization
- Indoor Air Quality
- Industrial Radiography Certification
- Infant Mortality (Perinatal)
- Infant Mortality Reduction Plan (Perinatal)
- Infant Mortality Statistics (Health Statistics)
- Infectious Diseases & Outbreaks
- Influenza (Flu) (Infectious Diseases & Outbreaks)
- Influenza (Flu), Avian (Infectious Diseases & Outbreaks)
- Influenza (Flu) Data
- Influenza (Flu) Vaccine (Immunization)
- Informatics and Data Analytics
- Injury Prevention
- iNotes Login
- Internship Opportunities
- J-1 Visa Program (Primary Care and Rural Health)
- Jackson County Health Department
- Jefferson County Health Department
- Jobs at ADPH
- Keepsake Birth Certificates (Health Statistics - Vital Records)
- Kloxxado
- Laboratories, Clinical
- Lamar County Health Department
- Lassa Fever
- Lauderdale County Health Department
- Laws/Regulations
- Laws, Alabama Public Health (General Counsel)
- Lawn Mower Safety (Injury Prevention)
- Lawrence County Health Department
- LCMS (Learning Content Management System)
- LCMS Login
- Lead Contractors Certification
- Lead Poisoning (Alabama Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program)
- Lee County Health Department
- Legal (General Counsel)
- Legionella
- Licenses
- Life Safety Code (Facilities Management)
- Limestone County Health Department
- Live Webcasts (ALPHTN)
- Living Will and Health Care Proxy (Advanced Directive Form)
- Locations
- Lodging (Food, Milk and Lodging)
- Login Portal
- Lowndes County Health Department
- Lowndes County Septic System Program
- Macon County Health Department
- Madison County Health Department
- Mammography
- Managed Care Compliance
- Map (Public Health Districts)
- Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever
- Marengo County Health Department
- Marion County Health Department
- Marriage Certificates (Health Statistics - Vital Records)
- Marshall County Health Department
- Maternal and Child Health Services
- Maternal Autopsy Program
- Maternal Mortality
- Maternal Mortality Review Committee
- Measles Disease (Immunization)
- Medical Waste, Disposal of (Diabetes)
- Meningococcal (Immunization)
- Men's Resources
- Minimum Data Set (MDS) (Health Care Facilities)
- Milk (Food, Milk and Lodging)
- Minority Health, Office of Health Equity
- Mission
- Mobile County Health Department
- Mold Facts (Indoor Air Quality)
- Mpox
- Monroe County Health Department
- Montgomery County Health Department
- Morgan County Health Department
- Mortality Statistical Query System (Health Statistics)
- Mosquito-Borne Diseases
- Motor Vehicle Safety (Injury Prevention)
- MRSA (Infectious Diseases & Outbreaks)
- Mumps (Immunization)
- Naloxone
- Narcan
- Natality Statistical Query System (Health Statistics)
- National Interest Waiver Program (Primary Care and Rural Health)
- Needle-Stick Injuries (Diabetes)
- Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (Perinatal)
- Nerve Agents (Risk Communication)
- Newborn Screening
- News Releases
- Notice of Privacy Practices
- Notifiable Disease Rules
- Novel Coronavirus
- Nurse Aide Registry
- Nursing Division
- Nursing Home Activity Certification
- Nursing Home Complaint Form
- Nutrition and Physical Activity (NPA)
- Obesity (Alabama Wellness Alliance)
- Office of Compliance and Ethics
- Office of HIV Prevention and Care
- Office of Informatics and Data Analytics (OIDA)
- Office of Program Integrity
- OIDA, Office of Informatics and Data Analytics
- Oil Spill 2010 (Gulf) (Risk Communication)
- On Demand Conferences (ALPHTN)
- One Health (Infectious Diseases & Outbreaks)
- Onsite Sewage
- Open Records Request
- Operation Wipe Out Cervical Cancer Alabama
- Opioids and Heroine
- Opioid Reversal Agents
- Oral Health
- Oral Health Coalition
- Organ and Tissue Donor Registry (Hepatitis)
- Organizational Chart, ADPH
- Osteoporosis (Nutrition and Physical Activity)
- Outbreak, Disease (Bureau of Communicable Disease)
- Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) (Health Care Facilities)
- Overdose Resources
- Pandemic Influenza
- Palliative Care and Quality of Life
- Patient Portal (EHR)
- Performance Management
- Perinatal Hepatitis B Program
- Perinatal Program
- Permits
- Perry County Health Department
- Personnel (Human Resources)
- Pertussis
- Pharmacy Division
- Pharmacy, Podiatry, Optometry, and Dentistry (PPOD) Program
- Phone Listing (Central Office)
- Physical Activity
- Pickens County Health Department
- Pike County Health Department
- Plague
- Plan First (Family Planning Insurance)
- Plan Review (Facilities Management)
- Plan Your Plate
- Plan Your Plate for Diabetes
- Pneumococcal Disease
- PPOD Program
- Pregnancy and HIV (HIV/AIDS)
- Pregnancy Resources
- Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
- Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP)
- Preconception Health
- Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant
- Privacy Practices, Notice of
- Program Integrity
- Promoting Interoperability
- Property Management
- Prostate Cancer (Cancer Division)
- Provider Standards
- Publications
- Public Education Employees' Health Insurance Program (PEEHIP) Wellness Program
- Public Health Laws of Alabama (Public Health Law)
- Public Health Districts Map
- Public Service Announcements (Radio)
- Rabies (Infectious Diseases & Outbreaks)
- Radiation Control
- Radon
- Randolph County Health Department
- Rape and Sexual Assault
- Records Request
- Regulations/Laws
- Renovation (Lead) Contractor
- Report a Website Issue
- Reports
- Reportable Diseases and Conditions
- Reportable Outbreaks (Bureau of Communicable Disease)
- Reporting Forms, Health Care
- REPORT Card for Reportable Conditions
- REPORT Notifiable Diseases (Infectious Diseases & Outbreaks)
- Request Data
- Request Records
- RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)
- Responsibility Education (Teen Pregnancy Prevention)
- Restaurant Ratings
- Risk Assessment and Toxicology
- Risk Communication
- RSA Tower, The
- Rural Health
- Rural Health Recruitment and Retention
- Russell County Health Department
- Safe Sleep for Babies
- Satellite Conferences (ALPHTN)
- Scale Back Alabama
- School Immunization Law
- School Health
- Seat Belts
- SEIB Wellness Program for State Employees
- Seniors Resources
- Septage
- Serious Infectious Disease Network (SIDN) (Emergency Preparedness)
- Services (Guide to)
- Sexual Assault and Rape
- Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)
- Sewage
- SHA - Community (Statewide) Health Assessment
- Sharps, Disposal of (Diabetes)
- Shellfish and Seafood
- Shelby County Health Department
- SIDN (Emergency Preparedness)
- Skin Cancer (Cancer Division)
- Smallpox (Risk Communication)
- Smoke Alarms (Injury Prevention)
- Social Work
- Soil and Onsite Sewage
- Solid Waste
- Special Needs in an Emergency (Risk Communication)
- St. Clair County Health Department
- State Health Assessment (SHA)
- State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP)
- Statistical Query System (Health Statistics)
- Statistics, Center for Health
- Strategic National Stockpile (SNS)
- Strategic Plan
- State Health Officer's Messages
- STD/HIV Home Testing
- Stroke System
- Suicide
- Suicide Prevention Task Force
- Sumter County Health Department
- Synar Reports (Tobacco Prevention and Control)
- Syphilis (STD)
- Talladega County Health Department
- Tallapoosa County Health Department
- Tattoos (Food, Milk and Lodging)
- Technical Services and Facilities Management
- Teen Dating Violence (Injury Prevention)
- Teen Driving
- Teen Pregnancy Prevention
- Teen Resources
- Telehealth (ADPH Telehealth Program Office)
- Telehealth Initiatives (Primary Care and Rural Health)
- Telephone Listing (Central Office)
- TEST Notifiable Diseases (Infectious Diseases & Outbreaks)
- Tick-borne Diseases
- Tobacco Control Laws
- Tobacco Policy Tracking System (TPTS)
- Tobacco Prevention and Control
- Tobacco Quitline
- Tornadoes, Alabama 2011 (Risk Communication)
- Toxicology (Infectious Diseases & Outbreaks)
- Trauma Registry (ATR)
- Trauma System (ATS)
- Tuberculosis (TB)
- Tularemia (Risk Communication)
- Tuscaloosa County Health Department
- Utilization Review Agent Law (Managed Care Compliance)
- Utilization Review Forms (Managed Care Compliance)
- Vaccines for Children (Immunization)
- Values
- Vaping (Tobacco)
- Varicella (Immunization)
- Vending Machines (Nutrition and Physical Activity)
- Video Communications (ALPHTN)
- Video Conferencing (ALPHTN)
- Violence Against Women (Injury Prevention)
- Violent Death Reporting System (Fatality Review)
- Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers
- Viral Hepatitis Prevention
- Vision
- Vital Records (birth, death, marriage, divorce)
- Vital Statistics at a Glance (Health Statistics)
- Walker County Health Department
- Washington County Health Department
- Webcasts (ALPHTN)
- Wellness Program Guide for Worksites
- Wellness Programs for State Employees
- Well Water (Environmental)
- Well Woman Program
- West Nile Virus
- WIC Nutrition Education
- Wilcox County Health Department
- Winston County Health Department
- Wipe Out Cervical Cancer Alabama
- Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program
- Women's Health, Office of
- Women's Health Resources
- Workforce Development
- Worksite Wellness
- X-ray Compliance (Radiation Control)
- X-ray, Industrial (Radiation Control)
- Youth Violence/Bullying (Injury Prevention)
Page last updated: December 6, 2024