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Welcome to The Division of STD Prevention and Control website. The Division works to identify populations at increased risk for sexually transmitted infections in order to reduce transmission to others and the development of related complications.
Get Yourself Tested
Did you know that you are 5 times more likely to contract HIV if you already have an STD?
1 in 2 sexually active young people will get an STD before the age of 25! Most will not know it. Get Yourself Tested.
To control STDs, the Alabama Department of Public Health county health departments operate free, confidential STD clinics statewide. Free testing and treatment are provided for chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and HIV. To find the closest clinic near you, contact your nearest county health department. Montgomery and Jefferson County Health Departments offer Fast Track Testing.
Free at-home testing is also available.
You can access free HIV testing care with these organizations.
Sexual Health and Your Patients: A Provider’s Guide
Sexual Health and Your Patients: A Provider’s Guide can help healthcare providers better integrate sexual health conversations and recommended preventive services into routine visits with adolescents and adults. By using this guide, providers can:
- Streamline their sexual history taking
- Increase their delivery of recommended preventive sexual health services by using “at a glance” tables
- Improve their care for LGBTQ+ patients
- Be better prepared to discuss sexual health topics and answer patient questions
- Become more knowledgeable about sexual health
Explore the guide's sections by clicking on the links below, or download the entire guide.
How to Discuss Sexual Health: Sex can be difficult to discuss, but many patients want to talk about it with you. Get tips for ensuring a productive sexual health conversation with your patients.
Asking Essential Sexual Health Questions: Find the essential sexual health questions to ask adults and adolescents at least annually, plus additional questions you can ask to get more information on partners, practices, past history of STI(s), protection, pregnancy prevention, pleasure, problems, and pride.
Delivering Recommended Preventive Sexual Health Services: Preventive services are a key element in improving and protecting sexual health. Find out which preventive services your patients should be getting, and which ones they shouldn't be.
Responding to Your Patients' Questions: Not always ready to answer questions about sexual health? See sample responses to common questions so you can include all the important elements in your answers.
Information About Recommended Screening Tests: See here for general information about recommended screening tests, including their sensitivity and specificity.
Take Charge of Your Sexual Health
A healthier body. A satisfying sex life. Valuing and feeling good about yourself. Having peace of mind. Positive and satisfying relationships. Avoiding sexually transmitted infections (STIs), also known as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Preventing unplanned pregnancies. These are just a few of the important benefits of good sexual health. Being sexually healthy means being able to enjoy a healthier body, a satisfying sexual life, positive relationships, and peace of mind. Being sexually healthy also means enjoying your sexuality and taking care of yourself and your partners throughout your life. Being free to talk about sexual health with your partner and health professional is key to your health. Download the guide from the National Coalition for Sexual Health for more information.
Take Charge of Your Sexual Health | Spanish Edition
Congenital Syphilis (CS)
Recently, there has been a sharp increase in the number of babies born with syphilis in the United States. Syphilis is easy to cure in its early stages. Pregnant women should be tested regularly for syphilis because infection with syphilis can cause serious problems in a baby. Protect your baby from congenital syphilis by getting tested for syphilis during your pregnancy. Learn more.
- ALPHTN Webcast: Syphilis and HIV in Pregnancy - Management of Infants
- CDC Recommended Evaluation and Treatment for Congenital Syphilis
National STD Hotline
(919) 361-8488
The Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Resource Center Hotline is a program of the American Social Health Association (ASHA) that provides information, materials, and referrals to anyone concerned about STIs. Health Communication Specialists are on staff to answer STI questions on such topics as transmission, risk reduction, prevention, testing, and treatment.
The hotline, 1-919-361-8488, is open from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (CDT, Monday through Friday).
If you have difficulty reaching a Health Communication Specialist, feel free to access their online STI information section to find answers to questions you may have.
Page last updated: December 27, 2024
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Communicable Diseases
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