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Every Second Counts

Every Second Counts: Responding to People with Disabilities in Times of Disaster

Sponsored by the Alabama Department of Public Health and the South Central Center for Public Health Preparedness
July 29-30, 2008

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Conference Agenda (26 pages)


Day One

Day Two

Day One


Panel Discussion

(30 minutes)

Panel Discussion

Moderated by Paul Gallo
General Manager
SuperTalk Radio Network

Butch McMillan
Executive Director
Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services

Jim Craig, CPM
Health Protection
Mississippi State Department of Health

Connie Rockco
Harrison County

Candice Whitfield
Health Advisor
Office of the Governor of Mississippi


Handouts (6 pages, 2.5 MB)

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Stop, Drop, and Roll to Disability Emergency Preparedness and Recovery

(45 minutes)

Mary Troupe

Mary Troupe
Executive Director
MS Coalition for Citizens with Disabilities


Handouts (9 pages, 1 MB)

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No Time Like the Present: Disaster Preparedness for the Disabled

(35 minutes)

George Moore, Jr, MPM

George Moore, Jr., MPM
Overton Brooks VA Medical Center
Shreveport, Louisiana


Handouts (8 pages, 3.5 MB)

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Psychological First Aid Workshop

(1 hour, 25 minutes)

Dr. Joshua Klapow

Joshua Klapow, PhD
Associate Professor
University of Alabama at Birmingham
South Central Center for Public Health Preparedness


Handouts (11 pages)

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Effective Response to People with Disabilities

(55 minutes)

Bobbie Singletary

Bobbie Singletary
Living Independence for Everyone (LIFE) of Mississippi


Handouts (18 pages)

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Day Two


Emergency Planning

(25 minutes)

Kent Buckley

Kent Buckley
Deputy Director
Mississippi EMA


Handouts (7 pages)

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Panel Discussion: Planning for and Responding to People with Disabilities

(55 minutes)

Panel Discussion

Moderated by Brice Phillips
Hancock County Amateur Radio Assoc, Inc.

Steve Garber
Hancock County

Albert "Butch" Loper
Jackson County EMA

Pat Sullivan
Gulfport Fire Department

Brian "Hooty" Adam
Hancock County EMA

Rick Fayard
Regional Director
American Medical Response

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Public Health/ESF8 Resources and Responsibilities

(40 minutes)

Jim Craig

Jim Craig, CPM
Health Protection
Mississippi State Department of Health


Handouts (9 pages)

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Page last updated: May 13, 2021