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On Demand September 30, 2005

ABCs of Medicare Part D

Original Broadcast Date: September 30, 2005 | (2 hours)


Handouts (6 pages)

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Post-Conference Materials

Evaluation (1 page)

Program Overview

If you work with Medicare beneficiaries in any way, then you should view this broadcast to learn the basics of the new prescription drug plan scheduled to be in effect by January of 2006. As you may know, the process for enrolling in prescription plans, understanding the subsidies available and transitioning from current activities to the new prescription drug plans is going to be monumental for Alabama's 750,000 Medicare beneficiaries, many of whom will turn to you for guidance.


Irene B. Collins
Executive Director
Alabama Department of Senior Services

Tara Shaver
State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP)

Carol Herrmann
Alabama Medicaid Agency

Jody Harris
Public Affairs
Social Security Administration

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None for this program.

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