On Demand April 25, 2006
Emergency Support Function 8: Mississippi's Response to Katrina
Broadcast Date: April 25, 2006 | (1 hour, 30 minutes)
Handouts (6 pages)
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Program Overview
As the lead agency for Emergency Support Function (ESF) 8, the Mississippi Department of Health has a multitude of responsibilities such as disease control, hospitals, emergency medical services, evacuation of special needs patients, special needs shelters, immunization, mass fatality, food safety, wastewater, public water supply, and entomology.
During Hurricane Katrina, much was done to protect and promote the health of all Mississippians - especially those effected by the storm. Days before the storm made landfall, evacuation of special needs patients commenced, 1,400 public health personnel were alerted, emergency response coordinators were strategically placed throughout the coastal region, and nurses were called in to assist staffing of special needs shelters.
During the storm, planning continued, stockpiling began, and many waited for the opportunity to assist with rescue operations. These operations began as soon as the winds died down to 50 mph and roads were passable enough to accommodate on vehicle.
There were many firsts, many plans tested, and many lessons learned. The Mississippi Department of Health wishes to bring this information forward to help other states better prepare for a worst case scenario.
Jim Craig
Director, Office of Health Protection
Mississippi Department of Health
Target Audience
Public health professionals, healthcare providers, first responders, community planners, leaders of volunteer and
faith-based organizations that assist affected communities.
Contact Hours
None for this program.
Contact for Technical Assistance
Call 334-206-5618 or email ALPHTN.
Page last updated: May 15, 2023