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On Demand March 27, 2007

Bombs, Explosions and Preparedness: A New Role for Public Health and First Responders

Broadcast Date: March 27, 2007 | (1 hour, 30 minutes)


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Program Overview

Explosions can produce unique patterns of injury seldom seen outside combat. When they do occur, they have the potential to inflict multi-system life-threatening injuries on many persons simultaneously. The injury patterns following such events are a product of the composition and amount of the materials involved, the surrounding environment, delivery method (if a bomb), the distance between the victim and the blast, and any intervening protective barriers or environmental hazards. Blast-related injuries can present unique triage, diagnostic, and management challenges to providers of emergency response care. Unfortunately few public health professionals have experience with explosive-related injuries.

From 1988-1997, the FBI Database Center has reported approximately 17,000 bombings. As the risk of terrorist attacks increases in the US, public health and disaster response personnel must understand the unique pathophysiology of injuries associated with explosions and must be prepared to assess and treat the people injured by them.


Ziad N. Kazzi, MD, FAAEM
Assistant Professor
Medical Toxicologist
Center for Emerging Infections & Emergency Preparedness
Department of Emergency Medicine
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Target Audience

First responders, public health professionals and their partners with whom they will need to communicate in a public health emergency, community planners, command and control personnel, public health, social work and medical students.

Contact Hours

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