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On Demand November 28, 2007

Cultural Diversity, Health Disparities and Public Health

Broadcast Date: November 28, 2007 | (1 hour, 30 minutes)


Handouts (11 pages)
Take Home Assignment (4 pages)

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Post-Conference Materials


Program Overview

A primary aim of this broadcast is to provide public health professionals with a broad overview of cultural diversity issues with a focus on race/ethnicity and gender. Health disparities, a major public health problem of interest, is discussed using cultural diversity as the conceptual framework for thinking about the role of the public health community and health policy solutions for addressing these issues. As a part of this process, broadcast participants are exposed to introductory cultural diversity concepts. In addition participants also have an opportunity to engage in critical thinking regarding the current social and health problems that impact the public’s health, particularly racial minorities.


Lisa C. Gary, PhD, MPH
Assistant Professor
Department of Health Care Organization & Policy
University of Alabama at Birmingham
School of Public Health
Birmingham, Alabama

Target Audience

All health personnel, including secretaries, receptionists, nurses, administrators and outreach workers, who work with clients who come from cultural or racial backgrounds different from their own.

Contact Hours

None for this program.

Contact for Technical Assistance

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