On Demand: November 15, 2013
Fall 2013 Alabama Department of Public Health Nurse Practitioner Update
Broadcast Date: November 15, 2013 | (2 hours)
Register for this Program
Allen Handouts (6 pages)
Darch Handouts (11 pages)
Davis Handouts (13 pages, 1.2 MB)
Dunson Handouts (3 pages)
CHR 12A Page 1 (1 page)
CHR 12A Page 2 (1 page)
CHR 12B (1 page)
Problem List (1 page)
References (2 pages)
Sexual Exposure Chart (1 page)
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Windows Media Player
Post-Conference Materials
Sheet (1 page)
Evaluation (1 page)
Program Overview
Program faculty discuss the essentials of history taking and well woman examination, proper SOAP documentation, differentiation of PCOS and metabolic syndrome, the requirements for the Department’s ARIA submission and understanding the rights of minors related to Protected Health Information.
For more information, view the conference flyer.
Target Audience
Nurse practitioners, nurses, social workers, those working in women’s health care, those working in ADPH family planning clinics.
Contact Hours
Nurses 2 hours
Conference participants who are not ADPH employees will be charged a fee to receive CE certificates.
Contact for Technical Assistance
Call 334-206-5618 or email ALPHTN.
Page last updated: May 13, 2021