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On Demand April 7, 2014

Stopping Violence Before it Occurs: Violence Prevention, Maternal and Child Health, and Public Health

Broadcast Date: April 7, 2014 | (1 hour)
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Handouts (6 pages)

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Post-Conference Materials

Sheet (1 page)
Evaluation (1 page)
Social Worker Test (1 page)

Program Overview

Homicide is the second leading cause of death for young people with some groups disproportionately affected. Faculty will provide participants information, strategies and best practices within a framework for violence prevention in their communities.

For more information, view the conference flyer.

Target Audience

Public health and maternal and child health professionals including: nurses, social workers, health educators and outreach workers; emergency responders, law enforcement, school administrators and counselors, and other health care professionals providing care in a clinic or community setting

Contact Hours

Nurses 1.5 hours, Social Workers 1.5 hours

Conference participants who are not ADPH employees will be charged a fee to receive CE certificates.

View the new Continuing Education Requirements.

Contact for Technical Assistance

Call 334-206-5618 or email ALPHTN.

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