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On Demand April 6, 2018
Increasing HPV Vaccination Rates in Alabama
Broadcast Date: April 6, 2018 | 1 hour
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Kimberlin Handouts (4 pages)
Ladinsky Handouts (5 pages)
Pierce Handouts (4 pages)
Wharton Handouts (3 pages)
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Program Overview
This program will provide health care professionals with a better understanding of the current HPV vaccination rates, preventable HPV cancers, new options to increase vaccine rates, best practices to communicate with parents, and provide tools to increase the rates of HPV vaccination.
For more information, view the conference flyer.
Target Audience
Health Care Providers and staff
Contact Hours
None for this program
Contact for Technical Assistance
Call 334-206-5618 or email ALPHTN.
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