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On Demand April 15 & 16, 2021

2021 NP Satellite Conference: Striving for Excellence in Women's Health

Broadcast Date: April 15 & 16, 2021 | 3 hours each day
Register for this Program


Farr Handouts (20 pages)
Hernandez Handouts (6 pages)
Hood Handouts (6 pages)
Horn Handouts (2 pages)
G. Phillips Handouts (4 pages)
S. Phillips Handouts (7 pages)
Tatom Handouts (7 pages)

Day 1: Choose Player


Post-Conference Materials

Sheet Day 1 (1 page)
Evaluation Day 1 (1 page)
Social Worker Test Day 1 (1 page)

Day 2: Choose Player


Post-Conference Materials

Sheet Day 2 (1 page)
Evaluation Day 2 (1 page)
Social Worker Test Day 2 (1 page)

Program Overview

Alabama currently ranks third in the nation for cervical cancer mortality. This two day program outlines cervical cancer prevention, how cervical cancer presents in clinic, the expansion of colposcopy services, and purposeful documentation for the Alabama Department Public Health(ADPH) Family Planning(FP) clinical program.

View the conference flyer for more details.

Target Audience

Nurses, social workers, clinicians, health educators, and other healthcare professionals and administrators involved in women’s health

Contact Hours

Nurses & Social Workers (2 hours each day), Nurse Practitioners (2 hours Pharmacy each day)

Contact for Technical Assistance

Call 334-206-5618 or email ALPHTN.

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Page last updated: May 13, 2021