Investigator Resources
The purpose of this webpage is to consolidate the information needed by the Infectious Diseases & Outbreaks District Investigators (DI) on a day-to-day basis. The following resources are the foundation for all DI's to conduct timely surveillance and investigations.
ID&O Suggestion Box
Please enter your suggestion using Redcap. Your suggestions are anonymous and will be reviewed as soon as possible.
Outbreak/Cluster Questionnaires and Resources
Control of Communicable Diseases Manual, 20th Edition, 2015
This is a sourcebook on infectious diseases and includes identification, infectious agent, occurrence, mode of transmission, incubation period, susceptibility, and resistance.
Red Book, 2012 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases
It was developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Committee on Infectious Diseases to provide guidance on the manifestations, etiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of more than 200 common childhood conditions.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Any and all information listed on the CDC Website can be used for surveillance, investigation, and education for healthcare providers and the general public.
- Mortality From a Tornado Outbreak, Alabama, April 27, 2011
- CDC MMWR HIPAA and Public Health, please see REPORT Notifiable Diseases Webpage
- CDC MMWR Norovirus Outbreak Management
- CDC MMWR Human Rabies Prevention
- MRSA Educational Resources
- Specimen Collection of Smallpox Lesion
- Proper Chlorine and pH Levels
Alabama NEDSS Based System (ALNBS)
- Notifiable Diseases & Conditions Investigations Guide (updated 10/30/2015)
ALNBS - Case Definitions and Investigation Form (see Investigation Resources)- All Investigation Forms as of 11/09/2015 (13.9 MB)
- Race and Ethnicity Codes
- CSTE Residency Guidelines
- ADPH General Counsel HIPPA Letter, please see REPORT Notifiable Diseases Webpage
Infectious Diseases & Outbreaks Division
- Infectious Diseases & Outbreaks Division Website
- Reportable Disease List and Law, please see
Infectious Diseases & Outbreaks Home Webpage - Infectious Diseases & Outbreaks Common Acronyms
- Central Office and DI Roster, see V:/drive
Center for Emergency Preparedness
Bureau of Clinical Laboratories
- Bureau of Clinical Laboratories Website
Requisition Form (Lab Slip)- Stool Collection Procedures for Healthcare Providers and Patients
- Legionella 2013 Specimen Handling and Shipping Instructions
- Foodborne Illness Investigation Sample Collection and Submission Criteria
- Bioterrorism Environmental Report and Chain of Custody
- Guidance for Laboratory Testing for Influenza Viruses
Influenza Information
- ILINet Application
- Order flu test kits or other specimen supplies, email [email protected]
- Quick Guidance for Laboratory Testing for Influenza Viruses, or see BCL Website, Influenza
- Quick Guidance for Influenza Specimen Submission
Infectious Outbreaks and Disease Information
- For flyers, see ID&O homepage, Infectious Diseases & Outbreaks Fast Fact Flyers
- Interview Techniques (see V:/Blank Documents and Procedures)
- Acute Foodborne Gastroenteritis Reference Table (see ALNBS login page)
- Childcare Center Exclusion Criteria Supplement
Infection Control
Mumps Survey for Immunization Staff (Temporary link)
Page last updated: December 26, 2024