A-Z Index
abortion - Definitions
abortion data - Technical Notes (Sources and Completeness of Data)
adequacy of prenatal care utilization index (Kotelchuck index) - Definitions
age-specific birth rate - Definitions
American Indian - Technical Notes (Race)
annulment - Definitions
Asian - Technical Notes (Race)
birth - Definitions
birth data - Technical Notes (Sources and Completeness of Data)
black - Technical Notes (Race)
Cajun - Technical Notes (Race)
Caucasian - Technical Notes (Race)
cause of death, certification, classification, coding, definition, rankings, tabulation, underlying - Definitions; Technical Notes (Cause of Death)
census - Technical Notes (Population Denominators)
Center for Health Statistics - Technical Notes (Cause of Death)
Chinese - Technical Notes (Race)
classification of data - Technical Notes (Cause of Death)
comparability ratios - Technical Notes (Cause of Death)
completeness of data - Technical Notes (Sources and Completeness of Data)
Creole - Technical Notes (Race)
crude rates - Technical Notes (Data Techniques)
data techniques - Technical Notes (Data Techniques)
death, classification, definition, statistical query - Technical Notes (Sources and Completeness of Data); Technical Notes (Cause of Death); Definitions; Statistical Query
death data - Technical Notes (Sources and Completeness of Data)
definitions - Definitions
divorce - Definitions
divorce data - Technical Notes (Sources and Completeness of Data)
errors - random - Technical Notes (Small Number Limitations)
estimated pregnancies - Definitions
estimated total fetal losses - Definitions
fetal death - Definitions
fetal death data - Technical Notes (Sources and Completeness of Data)
fetal losses - Definitions
Filipino - Technical Notes (Race)
frequency - Technical Notes (Data Techniques)
Hawaiian - Technical Notes (Race)
Health Statistics - Center
Technical Notes (Cause of Death)
ICD-10 - Technical Notes (Cause of Death)
ICD-9 - Technical Notes (Cause of Death)
induced termination of pregnancy - Definitions
induced termination of pregnancy data - Technical Notes (Sources and Completeness of Data)
infant death - Definitions
International Classification of Diseases (ICD) - Definitions; Technical Notes (Cause of Death)
Japanese - Technical Notes (Race)
Kotelchuck index; adequacy of prenatal care utilization index - Definitions
leading cause of death - Technical Notes (Cause of Death)
life expectancy at birth - Definitions
live birth - Definitions
low weight birth - Definitions
marriage - Definitions
marriage data - Technical Notes (Sources and Completeness of Data)
median death - Definitions
Mexican - Technical Notes (Race)
mortality data - Technical Notes (Sources and Completeness of Data)
mortality statistical query - Statistical Query
natality data - Technical Notes (Sources and Completeness of Data)
natality statistical query - Statistical Query
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) - Technical Notes (Cause of Death)
NCHS - Technical Notes (Cause of Death)
neonatal death - Definitions
occurrence data - Definitions
out of state events - Technical Notes (Sources and Completeness of Data)
Pacific Islander - Technical Notes (Race)
percentages - Technical Notes (Data Techniques)
population - Technical Notes (Population Denominators)
population denominator - Technical Notes (Population Denominators)
population estimates - Technical Notes (Population Denominators)
population projections - Technical Notes (Population Denominators)
postneonatal death - Definitions
pregnancies - estimated - Definitions
prenatal care - adequacy - Definitions
Public Health Areas - View Map
Puerto Rican - Technical Notes (Race)
quality of data - Technical Notes (Quality of Data)
query - Statistical Query
race - Technical Notes (Race)
racial groupings - Technical Notes (Race)
random errors - Technical Notes (Small Number Limitations)
rate, age-specific, crude, sex-specific - Technical Notes (Data Techniques)
rates - Technical Notes (Data Techniques)
ratios - Technical Notes (Data Techniques)
residence data - Technical Notes (Residence Data)
resident data - Definitions; Technical Notes (Residence Data)
selected causes of death - Technical Notes (Cause of Death)
small number limitations - Technical Notes (Small Number Limitations)
sources of data - Technical Notes (Sources and Completeness of Data)
statistical query system - Statistical Query
tabulation lists - Technical Notes (Cause of Death)
Technical Notes - Technical Notes
teenage - Definitions
total fertility rate - Definitions
underlying cause of death - Technical Notes (Cause of Death)
unknowns - handling of - Technical Notes (Handling of Unknowns)
vital records - Vital Records Website
vital statistics - Vital Records Website
white - Technical Notes (Race)
World Health Organization (WHO) - Technical Notes (Cause of Death)
Page last updated: May 13, 2021