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Food Service Sanitation

The Bureau of Environmental Services is responsible for permitting and inspecting all food service establishments located within Escambia County, Alabama. For the complete food service rules on construction and operation, visit Laws and Regulations.

Establishment Inspection Scores

Inspection scores reflect compliance with minimum health standards only at the time of the inspection. Scores are based on a 100-point scale. Establishments with a score of 85 or above are inspected a minimum of once every 120 days. Establishments with a score below 85 are inspected at least every 60 days. A score between 70 and 60 requires immediate corrective action within 48 hours. If a restaurant scores below 60, it is closed immediately until it can attain a score of 85 or better. Establishments with critical violations (critical items are marked in red on the Food Service Report Sheet) that cannot be corrected at the time of inspection are re-inspected within 10 days.

Check Food Establishment Scores

Food Recalls

Check Current Food Recalls

To Obtain a Permit

  • Fill out an application at the health department and submit any fees that may be required.
    (all food permits expire on September 30 of each year)
  • For new establishments or remodeled existing structures, properly prepared floor plans must be submitted to the health department along with the plan review application and fee.
  • Arrange for a preliminary inspection.
  • Arrange for a final inspection (allow at least 2 day prior notice).


Seafood and Shellfish Resources


Page last updated: August 23, 2023