Priority Needs
A statewide Maternal and Child Health (MCH) needs assessment was performed by ADPH's Bureau of Family Health Services (FHS) and the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services' Children's Rehabilitation Service (CRS). FHS's tasks pertained to assessing the needs of infants, children, and youth, women of childbearing age, and their families. CRS's activities focused on assessing the needs of children with special health care needs (CSHCN) and their families.
FHS's portion of the needs assessment was performed by ADPH through a contractual agreement with the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) School of Public Health's Health Care Organization and Policy Department to administer web-based surveys, convene focus group meetings, complete key informant interviews to facilitate the collection of qualitative data and by utilizing FHS's MCH Epidemiology Branch (MCH Epi) to complete data analysis of quantitative data from existing databases. CRS entered into agreements with Family Voices of Alabama and the School of Public Health at UAB to assist in their needs assessment process.
Comments, questions, or concerns, as well as requests for the 2020 Title V Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant Comprehensive Needs Assessment, are welcome and may be submitted at the link below.
Email Maternal and Child Health Services
*For Title V planning purposes, "children and youth with special health care needs" are children and youth who have or are at increased risk for chronic physical, developmental, behavioral, or emotional conditions; and who also require health and related services of a type or amount beyond that required by children and youth generally.
Page last updated: January 31, 2025