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2023 Alabama Newborn Screening Conference

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Session 1: Lysosomal Storage Disorders (45 minutes)

Ali Al-Beshri, MD
Assistant Professor
University of Alabama at Birmingham


Session 2: Parent Panel (1 hour)

1. Brooke Thomas – Parent of three children with MPS-1 
2. Darlene Hollanquest – Adult with sickle cell disease
3. June Wilson – Parent of a deaf/hard of hearing child
4. Linda Russo – Parent of a child with spinal muscular atrophy
5. Seyth and Jenna Snell – Parents of a child with congenital hypothyroidism


Session 3: Best Practices for Early Hearing and Intervention (35 minutes)

Ukawia Johnson, LMSW, BBA
Parent Educator, Regional Early Aquisition of Language
Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind



Page last updated: October 20, 2023