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Establishment of Division to create in-house video production capability to support educational initiatives and to explore the feasibility of distance learning for Department’s 5,000 employees located in over 100 sites throughout Alabama.

Produced first satellite conference to provide information and training to employees of the Alabama Departments of Public Health and Human Resources.

Produced a pilot series of 6 satellite conferences for Department Home Health Aides and Attendants to evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency and economic feasibility of training employees via satellite conference.

Awarded a grant from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention to establish a statewide distance learning model for the delivery of the Principles of Epidemiology six-part lesson program via satellite conference.

Purchased a satellite uplink vehicle specifically designed for the production of interactive educational conferences.

Awarded a grant from the CDC to establish a national distance learning model for the delivery of the Principles of Epidemiology six-part lesson program via satellite conference.

Initiated installation of steerable Ku/C band satellite downlink antennas at county health departments around the state.

New office and production suite includes: 32’x48’ studio; master control room; secondary master control room including A/B roll editing suite, media storage and duplication area; offices for administrative, production and support staff; two satellite downlinks; and closed circuit television network for over 60 cable drops.

Developed Internet marketing, registration and handout dissemination platform to support satellite conferences throughout the state and the country.

Produced three live satellite conferences from the American Public Health Association’s Annual meeting in Chicago.

Initiated live web streaming so that distance learning participants could watch programs via satellite conference or on their computer.

Installed video conferencing site at ALPHTN for meetings and classes with University of South Alabama Mobile and University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Public Health Birmingham.

Awarded grant to the Alabama Hospital Association for the installation of 101 satellite downlink systems at acute care facilities around the state.

Awarded grant to the Alabama Primary Health Care Association for the installation of 16 satellite downlink systems at community health centers around the state.

Satellite vehicle upgrades included emergency communications equipment to provide for broadband Internet via satellite and wireless connectivity inside and outside the vehicle, Direct TV for news and weather, and a satellite phone.

Satellite vehicle upgrades included new antenna and fully redundant digital uplink capability.

Begin deployment of video proxy servers at 91 locations at ADPH county and area offices to support live web streaming.

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Page last updated: August 23, 2024