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On Demand March 22, 2012

Alabama's Parenting Assistance Line (PAL)

Broadcast Date: March 22, 2012 | 2 hours
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Handouts (11 pages)

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Post-Conference Materials

Sheet (1 page)
Evaluation (1 page)
Social Worker Test (1 page)

Program Overview

Alabama’s Parenting Assistance Line (PAL) offers parents, caregivers, and professionals a confidential place to turn to for support and education on parenting issues. Program faculty will discuss the assistance line and why its resources can strengthen family bonds and help prevent child abuse and neglect.

For more information, view the conference flyer.

Target Audience

Nurses, social workers, health educators, parents, nutritionists, counselors, school administrators and counselors, caregivers

Contact Hours

None for this program.

Contact for Technical Assistance

Call (334) 206-5618 or email ALPHTN.

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