Remote Patient Monitoring
The Remote Patient Monitoring Service combines resources from ADPH Home Health, the Alabama Medicaid Agency, and the University of South Alabama to provide an in-home monitoring service for specific chronic illnesses.
Full Medicaid patients who have congestive heart failure, diabetes, and/or hypertension may qualify for the in-home monitoring program. The PCP provider will determine if the patient needs daily monitoring and will provide the orders for the patient to be admitted to the In-Home Remote Patient Monitoring Program.
Potential Benefits for Patients
- Potential for improved outcomes
- Lowered healthcare-related expenses
- Improved compliance with the provider’s plan of care
- Education and reinforcement of healthy behavior changes
- Increased satisfaction with care
- Reduced emergent care visits and hospitalizations
Financial Criteria
Remote Patient Monitoring Services are provided under Alabama Medicaid for patients who:
- Meet admission criteria
- Have a PCP provider who will provide the orders for the In-Home Remote Patient Monitoring Program
For more information, please contact Rebecca Norris, RN, at (334) 358-2354 or Kristi Wyatt, LPN, at (334) 358-2571.
Page last updated: August 30, 2024