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Goals and Activities

By working with many partners throughout Alabama, the Disability and Health Program will support the following goals and activities:

Goal: Increase health promotion opportunities for people with disabilities to maximize health. Activities include:

  • Adapting existing public health programs, such as Scale Back Alabama, to promote the health of people with disabilities.
  • Promoting and providing sensitivity training for health promotion managers to increase program participation opportunities by people with disabilities.
  • Increasing the number of children with disabilities who participate in quality physical education and after-school programs.

Goal: Improve access to health care for people with disabilities. Activities include:

  • Improving the access of people with disabilities to health care and health screenings.
  • Conducting a statewide needs assessment to determine barriers and disparities to services and the ability to meet the needs of people with disabilities.

Goal: Improve emergency preparedness among people with disabilities. Activities include:

  • Increasing the number of emergency plans developed in accordance with guidelines that address the needs of people with disabilities.
  • Increasing the number of people with disabilities and care providers who have an emergency preparedness plan and/or kit.
  • Promoting state participation of people with disabilities in emergency exercise planning.

Goal: Enhance program infrastructure and capacity. Activities include:

  • Increasing the number of people with disabilities that are represented on standing health committees who can support the program goals.
  • Promoting inclusion of people with disabilities in all aspects of policy development, planning, and execution of state based public health programs.
  • Establishing a Disability Community Planning Group to provide guidance on strategic planning.

Page last updated: February 26, 2024