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Family Planning Clinic

Staff will be available beginning at 8:00 a.m. to schedule your appointment at (334) 678-2800. Clinic Services are available 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday by appointment only.

Family planning can help you and your family have a better life. Mothers and babies have a better chance of being healthy. Parents can better provide for their families, both financially and emotionally. Children get more time and attention.

Birth control information, counseling, education, and a suitable method of contraception are available to women and men. Complete physical examinations, including pap smears, are done per ADPH Guidelines and before birth control supplies are given to women. Appointments are necessary for initial and yearly exams. For Family Planning appointments, call (334) 678-2800, beginning at 8:00 a.m. An appointment is required to pick up Family Planning supplies (Depo-Provera shots, birth control pills, etc.).

If you are a woman aged 19-55, you may qualify for the Plan First program. Plan First provides the following services:

  • Yearly family planning exam
  • Care support from a social worker or nurse
  • Some types of birth control such as pills and Depo-Provera shots
  • Tubes tied for women 21 or older
  • Lab work such as testing for pregnancy and STDs
  • Help in planning when to have a baby

Plan First does not pay for any other services.

Eligibility Requirements

To qualify for services, you must:

  • Live in Alabama.
  • Be a U.S. citizen or in this country legally.
  • Be a woman between the ages of 19 and 55.
  • Have not had surgery to prevent pregnancy.
  • Meet income requirements.

Most women who have children on SOBRA Medicaid are automatically enrolled in Plan First. If you or your children are not on SOBRA Medicaid, you may still be eligible for Plan First.

Call toll-free (888) 737-2083 for more information and for the Plan First providers in your area.

Page last updated: July 14, 2023