Office of Radiation Control
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Karst Areas - Non-Real Estate Transaction Testing
(For homeowners testing their own homes, not in the process of buying or selling the home.)
Testing With Initial Year-Long Test
- Twelve-month radon testing is recommended in state radon program identified karst areas because radon levels in structures located in these areas can vary significantly.
- Download the Homeowner Testing Guidance for non-real estate transaction related testing with a year-long test in karst areas.
For information on ordering radon testing kits, please contact us at 1-800-582-1866.
Testing With Initial Short-Term Tests
In karst and non-karst areas, always base your decision to take or not take corrective action on the results of follow-up confirmatory tests, not on a single short-term screening test only.
For information on ordering radon testing kits, please contact us at 1-800-582-1866.
For further guidance, refer to EPA Region 4 Guidance Memo (Feb. 9, 2005). Additional guidance may also be found in the EPA's A Citizen's Guide to Radon and Home Buyer's and Seller's Guide to Radon when you do follow-up testing or make mitigation decisions.
Further Recommendations
- Periodic retesting is recommended every two years in unmitigated structures.
- If you choose to mitigate based on the results of a short-term test, confirm that the mitigation system is adequate by using a 12-month post-mitigation test.
- If you are planning any renovations with major structural changes, always test the structure before starting the project and after the project is completed. Installing a radon-reduction system before (or during) renovations is less expensive than installing one after renovations are complete.
Page last updated: September 17, 2024