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Health Services Research

ADHD Quality of Care

Blackburn J, Becker DJ, Morrisey MA, Kilgore, ML, Sen B, Menachemi N, Caldwell C" An Assessment of the CHIP/MEDICAID Quality Measure for ADHDThe American Journal of Managed Care 2017;23(1):e1-e9.

Adverse Selection

Morrisey MA, Blackburn J, Becker DJ, Sen B, Kilgore ML, Caldwell C, Menachemi N. Adverse Selection in the Children's Health Insurance Program. Inquiry January-December 2015 vol. 52. PMID: 26428203.

Ambulatory Sensitive Conditions

Becker DJ, Blackburn JL, Kilgore ML, Morrisey MA, Sen B, Caldwell C, Menachemi N. Continuity of Insurance Coverage and Ambulatory Sensitive ED Visits/Hospitalizations: Evidence from the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2011; 50(10):963-73. PMID: 21828066.


Menachemi N, Blackburn J, Sen B, Morrisey MA, Becker DJ, Caldwell C, Kilgore ML .The Impact of CHIP Coverage on Children with Asthma in Alabama. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2012; 51(3):247-53. PMID: 21890839.

Asthma Quality Measure Revision

Blackburn J, Sharma P, Liu Y, Morrisey M., Menachemi N, Sen B., Sanders D, Becker DJ,Characteristics and Outcomes Associated with Two Asthma Quality Measures ", Journal of Asthma 2021; DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2021.1996602.

CHIP Eligibility Expansion

Becker DJ, Blackburn J, Kilgore ML, Morrisey MA, Sen B, Caldwell C, Sellers C, Menachemi N. Enrollment and Utilization Following CHIP Expansion: Evidence from Alabama.  Academic Pediatrics 2015;15(3):258-266. 

CHIPRA Quality Measures

Menachemi N, Blackburn J, Becker DJ, Morrisey MA, Sen B, Caldwell C. Measuring Prevention More Broadly: An Empirical Assessment of CHIPRA Core Measures. Medicare and Medicaid Research and Review 2013;3(3):e1-e13.

Copayments and Emergency Department Utilization

Becker DJ, Blackburn J, Morrisey MA, Sen B, Kilgore ML, Caldwell C, Menachemi N. Copayments and the Use of Emergency Department Services in the Children’s Health Insurance ProgramMedical Care Research and Review 2013;70(5):514-530.

Copayments and Prescription Drugs

Sen B, Blackburn J, Morrisey MA, Becker DJ, Kilgore ML, Caldwell C, Menachemi N. Can Increases in CHIP Copayments Reduce Program Expenditures on Prescription Drugs? Medicare and Medicaid Research and Review 2014;4(2):e1-e18.  

Copayments and Utilization

Sen B, Blackburn J, Morrisey MA, Kilgore ML, Becker DJ, Caldwell C, Menachemi N. Did Copayment Changes Reduce Health Service Usage among CHIP Enrollees? Evidence from Alabama. Health Services Research 2012;47(4):1603-1620. 

High Cost Enrollees

Sen B, Blackburn J, Aswani MS, Morrisey MA, Becker DJ, Kilgore ML, Caldwell C, Sellers C, Menachemi N. Health Expenditures Concentration among CHIP Enrollees: What Can We Learn About High-Cost Utilizers? Inquiry 2016; 53. 

Mental Health Parity

Sen B, Blackburn J, Morrisey MA, Kilgore ML, Menachemi N, Caldwell C, Becker DJ, “Impact of Mental Health Parity & Addiction Equity Act on Costs & Utilization in Alabama's Children's Health Insurance Program " Academic Pediatrics 2019;19(1):27-34.

Mental Health Follow-Up Quality

Blackburn J, Sharma P, Corvey K, Morrisey MA, Menachemi N, Sen B, Caldwell C, Becker DJ, “Assessing the Quality Measure for Follow-Up Care after Children's Psychiatric Hospitalizations " Hospital Pediatrics 2019;9(11):834-843.

Predictors of Low Severity Emergency Department Utilization

Blackburn J, Becker DJ, Sen B, Morrisey MA, Caldwell C, Menachemi N. Characteristics of Low Severity Emergency Department Use among CHIP Enrollees.  American Journal of Managed Care 2013;19(12):331-339.

Premiums and Enrollment

Morrisey MA, Blackburn JL, Sen B, Becker DJ, Kilgore ML, Menachemi N. The Effects of Premium Changes on ALL Kids, Alabama's CHIP Program. MMRR. 2012; 2(3):E1-E7.  

Preventive Dental and Long-Term Outcomes

Sen, B, Blackburn J, Kilgore ML, Morrisey MA, Becker DJ, Caldwell C, Menachemi N, “Preventive Dental Care and Long-Term Dental Outcomes among ALL Kids Enrollees,Health Services Research 2016;51(6):2242-2257.

Recession and Public Insurance Enrollment

Morrisey MA, Blackburn JL, Becker DJ, Sen B, Kilgore ML, Caldwell C, Menachemi N. The Great Recession and Public Insurance Coverage for Children: A State Specific Analysis Public Health Reports 2016;141(2):348-356.

Telehealth Use During COVID-19 Pandemic

Sen B., Sharma P., Brisendine A., Blackburn J., Morrisey MA, Menachemi N, Liu Y, McDougal J, Sanders T, Becker DJ, “Disparities in Telehealth Use & Health Care Utilization among Publicly Insured Children in Alabama During the COVID-19 Pandemic ", 2022;25(2):178-185.

Trends in Obesogenic Conditions

Sen B, Sharma P, Blackburn J, Morrisey MA, Corvey K, Menachemi N, Caldwell C, Becker DJ, “The Rise in Pediatric Obesity-Related Conditions and Costs in Public Insurance Programs: Evidence from Alabama " Childhood Obesity 2020;16(4):291-299.

Value of Preventive Dental Visits

Sen B, Blackburn J, Morrisey MA, Kilgore ML, Becker DJ, Caldwell C, Menachemi N. Are Preventive Dental Visits Effective in Reducing Non-Preventive Dental Services & Expenditures. Pediatrics 2013;131;131(6):1107-1113.


Page last updated: August 23, 2024