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On Demand Program March 23, 2011
Leadership and Advocacy: Trends and Challenges in Maternal and Child Health
Broadcast Date: March 23, 2011 | 1 hour, 30 minutes
Register for this Program
Handouts (6 pages)
Celebrating the Legacy (44 pages) (6 MB)
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Post-conference Materials
Sheet (1 page)
Evaluation (1 page)
Social Worker Exam (1 page)
Program Overview
Program faculty will discuss national trends, national leadership, current challenges and opportunities, and future directions in maternal and child health.
For more information, view the conference flyer.
Target Audience
Nurses, social workers, pediatricians, OB/GYNs, MCH administrators and associate staff, public health students, and other healthcare professionals providing care to women and children
Contact Hours
None for this program.
Contact for Technical Assistance
Call (334) 206-5618 or email ALPHTN.
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