Solid Waste Program
Clarke County established a mandatory-participation solid waste program in 1983 that requires every residence and business in the unincorporated area of the county, as well as residents of the Town of Coffeeville, to participate.
Through a competitive bid process, Allied Waste was chosen as the county’s contractor for solid waste pick-up services, including billing and fee collection for the county. Additionally, the Clarke County Commission has contracted with the health department to oversee the enforcement of its mandatory solid waste collection program.
The health department is currently surveying all E-911 addresses in the affected areas to ensure compliance with the mandatory solid waste collection program. Addresses that cannot be immediately linked to an active solid waste account will be contacted by an environmentalist with the department either through mail or in-person to verify participation.
Some key points to remember regarding the program:
- All households must participate, and shared service is not allowed.
- Hauling your garbage to a business/place of employment is not allowed.
- Burning household garbage is prohibited.
Residents who do not currently have an account for solid waste service through Allied Waste may sign up for service without penalty before October 5, 2010. Residences identified by the survey after that date may be required to pay for past service and/or face criminal penalties. Nonparticipation in the mandatory solid waste collection program is a Class C misdemeanor, and each day in violation is a separate offense.
To subscribe to service, call Allied Waste at 1-800-345-5028 or visit their office on Highway 84 East in Grove Hill. For any other questions regarding the mandatory collection program or to report someone suspected of not being in compliance, contact Kendall Bush at the Clarke County Health Department at 251-275-7107.
Page last updated: September 3, 2024