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The RSA Tower - Employee Parking


General Information

  • A new employee must initial the appropriate form in his/her unit. The form will authorize Facilities Management to issue his/her parking (card). Each parking card is assigned in the individual employee's name. When the card is scanned, the employee's name is documented.
  • Parking in the RSA Deck is optional. If you have a card and are not using it, please return it to Suite 1510, so the card can be taken out of your name and assigned to someone else who will utilize the parking deck.
  • To ensure security, bureaus/offices/units are not to reassign cards. Only Facilities Management shall issue cards.
  • Please do not move cones in the parking deck. These are placed in parking spaces so lights can be repaired or replaced.
  • Don't let the boot get you just because your vehicle is parked in a reserved space or in an area not specified for parking.
  • Do you have a new vehicle or tag number? Did you finally get rid of that ol' clunker? Did your last name change? Email Facilities Management to inform us. This a good idea so you can be notified if your vehicle's headlights were left on or if your vehicle has a flat tire.
  • Lights left on or a flat tire on a vehicle that is parked in one of the RSA parking decks should be reported by emailing Facilities Management or calling (334) 206-5218.

Lost Parking or Access Cards

It is important that you EMAIL or CALL Facilities Management to report a lost card so that the card can be deactivated immediately. Each lost or damaged card will cost $28, payable via money order or check and mailed to the following address:

RSA Building Expense Fund
P.O. Box 302150
Montgomery, Alabama 36130-2150
Attn: Heather Smith 

  • Forward a copy/proof of payment via email to Facilities Management so that we can expedite receipt of the replacement card.
  • The RSA will inform Facilities Management when payment has been received and forward the replacement card to our office.
  • No employee should contact RSA directly without first contacting Facilities Management.
  • Replacement cards must be activated by Facilities Management before they can access the secured doors.

Security Access Card and Name Changes

If there is a request to reprint a card due to a name change, there will be a $10.00 charge.  For payment, please follow the same instructions above for "Lost Parking or Access Cards".

Shuttle Service

This service transports ADPH employees from The RSA Tower Parking Deck to The RSA Tower building, and vice versa. Transportation by ADPH Shuttle Service is not available elsewhere. Contact the Health Departments Employee Relation's at (334) 206-9494 for an application.

Page last updated: October 7, 2024