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Worksite Policies

If your community does not have a smoke-free law to protect residents and workers from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke, here is information to help adopt a smoke-free policy in your work place.

Good for Health and Good for Business

A smoke-free business protects employees, employers, and customers from the dangers of secondhand smoke, and results in a healthier and more efficient work environment. Read The Effects Secondhand Smoke on Worker Health from the American Cancer Society, for more information on how secondhand smoke exposure in the workplace affects employee's health and productivity. A smoke-free workplace:

  • Protects all workers form harms of secondhand smoke
  • Increases worker productivity
  • Lowers maintenance expenses (carpets, drapes, cloths, paint and woodwork)
  • Lowers insurance premiums (fire, workmen's comp, liability)

View the Model smoke-free worksite policy.

Simple Steps to Take Your Business Smoke-free

Employers can take many steps to reduce smoking-related costs and the human toll of tobacco use. The American Cancer Society has prepared an easy-to-use workplace solutions website that can assist employers in creating a safe, healthful environment that enhances employee well-being, while improving the company's bottom line. Contact us for no-cost assistance taking your business smoke-free.

Page last updated: May 13, 2021