Tobacco Policy Tracking System
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Tobacco Policy Tracking System
The Tobacco Policy Tracking System (TPTS) is an easy, searchable data site that tracks smoke-free policies for cities, schools, universities and hospitals in Alabama. The TPTS is updated on a continuous basis as new policies are passed. Area Tobacco Control Coordinators annually verify city tobacco ordinance information for cities with a population of 2,000 or more. TPTS also includes the following information:
- State laws on tobacco
- State, county, and city tobacco excise taxes
- Model policies for schools, worksites and cities
- City tobacco ordinances
A 100% Smokefree community is defined as having 100% Smokefree workplaces (public and private) within the municipality, including 100% Smokefree restaurants and 100% Smokefree bars. A listing of 100% Smokefree communities in Alabama can be found here.
Page last updated: February 15, 2024