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Premiums and Copays

Premium and copay information for children who fall in the ALL Kids Low Fee and Fee groups is outlined below. Children in the No Fee group are not charged copayments or premiums. Please click these links for health and dental copay information:

2023 Health Insurance Copays

2023 Dental Insurance Copays

Annual Premiums

Low Fee Group: $52.00 (Not to exceed $156 per family)

Fee Group: $104.00 (Not to exceed $312 per family)

Annual Out of Pocket Maximum

Since June 1, 2012, families have not been required to pay more than 5% of their annual income (the income used to determine eligibility for ALL Kids) in out of pocket expenses (premiums and copayments) annually. It is the enrollee's family's responsibility to contact ALL Kids when they are close to reaching the out of pocket maximum. The family will be asked to submit receipts for these expenses.

If you have questions or would like to know your family's exact annual out of pocket maximum, please call Customer Service at 1-888-373-5437.

Page last updated: August 22, 2024