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ClubEpi (Version 2.0)

We are excited to re-launch Club Epi after a 3-year hiatus! This group will be a central place for epidemiologists, data analysts, and other data users to discuss and collaborate on projects. In the past, Club Epi has been helpful to data users by:

  • Increasing data surveillance and analysis skills.
  • Developing strategies to help programs use data reports and assist public health action.
  • Raising awareness of evidence-based strategies that can be implemented into their work.
  • Collaborating across agencies to build a more integrated workforce.
  • Assisting in the development of new and effective trainings that would benefit the workforce.
  • Being a safe space to talk “data” with other like-minded people.

Tentative Monthly Agenda

  • November 20th - Open                                                                               
  • December 18th - Open

To join our email list, please fill out the ClubEpi Registration Form.

Questions? Contact Annalyse Bergman, Lindsey Ferraro, Justine Goetzman.

Page last updated: October 24, 2024