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Report A Case

Below are the Alabama Notifiable Diseases and the recommended method for testing each disease. Please see REPORT Notifiable Disease for complete disease case definitions.

Physicians, dentists, nurses, medical examiners, hospital administrators, nursing home administrators, lab directors, school principals, and daycare directors are responsible for reporting Notifiable Diseases in Alabama. To submit detailed information on STDs and HIV, please use the Communicable Disease REPORT Card.

REPORT Notifiable Disease is a reminder for all reporting entities to report notifiable diseases in a timely manner. REPORT is vital to ensure Alabama's Notifiable Diseases are investigated quickly to reduce further possible exposure and to treat those infected. The Alabama Notifiable Disease Rules, Chapter 420-4-1, specifies the diseases and conditions requiring notification, and the time frame and methods for notification.

ADPH is a public health authority as defined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information; Final Rule (Privacy Rule) [45 CFR §164.501] to collect or receive protected health information (PHI) for the purpose of surveillance, investigations, and interventions of notifiable diseases, without authorization of the patient. For more information, please see ADPH General Counsel HIPPA Letter and CDC's MMWR HIPAA Privacy Rule and Public Health.

Standard Notification for STD Case Reporting must be reported to ADPH within five (5) days of diagnosis (unless otherwise specified in the Rules) electronically, by fax, or in writing.

Page last updated: February 27, 2023