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Emergency Medical Stroke Assessment

Emergency Medical Stroke Assessment (EMSA)

The intent of this web page is provide information on recent and upcoming changes in the Alabama Statewide Stroke System. While two on-line trainings sessions were held in March, 2022, we realized that more information would need to be available for those who were unable to participate.


This video provides an overview of each section and some specific information for time frames and needed documentation.

Alice B. Floyd, BSN, RN, EMT-P
Acute Health Systems Manager

Stroke System Update

Dr. Elwin Crawford will discuss recent challenges that the stroke centers have faced, the Stroke System Rules that went into effect March 17, 2022, and changes in the EMS Patient Care Protocols related to stroke assessment.

  • Challenges for stroke centers
  • EMS stroke assessment and rules change
  • Stroke rules changes

Elwin Crawford, MD, FACEP, NRP
State EMS Medical Director


Dr. Toby Gropen will introduce the Emergency Medical Stroke Assessment (EMSA) to include demonstrations of the EMSA assessment conducted by EMS personnel. He also provides information on the Next Steps for the Stroke System as Severity Based Stroke Triage is implemented throughout the state.

Toby Gropen, MD, FAHA
Director, Comprehensive Neurovascular and Stroke Center at UAB

REDCap Data Entry Video

Stroke System Routing

The stroke system routing information is available here.

Michael Minor, BBA, NRP
Executive Director, Alabama Trauma Communication Center


EMSA Care 

Page last updated: March 7, 2023