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Acute Health Systems

Alabama Statewide Cardiac System

Out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) affects more than 350,000 people in the United States and many of those people do not survive. The Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) and the Office of Emergency Medical Services (OEMS) has partnered with Cardiac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival (CARES) to measure and improve outcomes statewide from OHCA.

Alabama Statewide Stroke System

Stroke is the leading cause of serious long-term disability and the fourth leading cause of death in Alabama, killing more than 2,500 Alabamians each year. To combat this condition, the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) and the Office of Emergency Medical Services activated a Statewide Stroke System October 30, 2017.

Alabama Trauma Registry (ATR)

The Alabama Trauma Registry (ATR) is a system that supports the collection, storage, and subsequent analysis of trauma-related data on a statewide level.

Alabama Trauma System (ATHS)

Alabama has developed a statewide health and trauma system which is helping to help save lives and reduce the burden of trauma. The system improves the chances of survival, regardless of proximity to an urban trauma center. The system is voluntary and all hospitals are invited to participate. Participating hospitals are designated as levels one, two, or three, depending on their resources and services availability. Hospitals are inspected to verify that they can provide the level of care for which they have applied.

Alabama is the only state in the United States with the capability to constantly monitor the status of every trauma hospital and route the trauma patient to the right hospital every time. This system is the model for the rest of the nation.

Page last updated: November 25, 2024