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Call For Proposals
Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to our Request for Proposals (RFPs).
Congratulations to the following approved applicants:
- Alabama Statewide SHEC Program
- Dre Kirkpatrick's 21 Kids Foundation
- MOWA Band of Choctaw Indians
- Dr. Celeste Reese Willis Medical Group
- Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy (HSOP)
- Tuscaloosa Latino Coalition
- 16th Street Baptist Church
- Alabama State Missionary Baptist Convention
- Ft. Mitchell Clinic
- Oakwood University
- Dothan Housing Authority
- Tuskegee University
- The Legacy Center, Inc.
- The University of Alabama
- Homeview Family Life Center
- LA Dream Center, Inc
- Reach the Remnant Ministries
- Brother Let's Talk
- Selma AIR, Inc.
- Rural Alabama Prevention Center
- Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind
- Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church
- Mulberry Medical Associates
- Rural Health Medical Program, Inc
Refer to the FAQs if you have any additional questions, comments, or concerns or send a detailed email to [email protected]. Please allow up to 72 hours for an emailed response.
Opening Date: Saturday, January 23, 2021
Closing Date: **DEADLINE EXTENDED** Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Amount of Funding: $100,000 to $250,000; renewable annually up to three years.
Target Population: African Americans, Hispanics, and Tribal Nations
The purpose of this funding is for coronavirus vaccine activities to support broad based distribution access and vaccine coverage for high risk and underserved populations including racial and ethnic minority populations and rural communities. It is intended to support continuous monitoring and examine opportunities to improve performance and implementation of activties, engaging in additional partnerships, and implementing and evaluating new strategies to reach affected populations (such as those who may be vaccine hesitant, those who are in racial and ethnic or other minority groups, etc.) You can submit a proposal for funding in one of the following ways:
- supporting education, promotion, and outreach (no vaccine administration),
- enroll as a COVID provider (separate process and must be completed to receive funding for vaccine administration) immunization/covid-vaccine-administration, or
- partner with an entity that is a current COVID provder (highly encouraged)
Proposals will be accepted from, but not limited to groups or organizations such as:
- Colleges and Universities
- Occupational health settings for large employers
- Churches or religious institutions
- Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) including Community Health Centers (CHCs)
- Pharmacies
- Long-term care facilities (LTCFs), including independent living facilities, assisted living centers and nursing homes
- Organizations and businesses that employ critical workforce
- First responder organizations
- Non-traditional providers and locations that serve high-risk populations
- Other partners that serve underserved populations
- Increase COVID-19 vaccination capacity across the jurisdiction, including among high-risk and underserved populations.
-- Support public health workforce recruitment and training
-- Implement mobile vaccine clinics, satellite clinics, temporary, or off-site clinics to provide vaccination services in non-traditional settings and/or to supplement the work of local health departments in underserved communities. - Ensure high-quality and safe administration of COVID-19 vaccines.
-- Provide supplies (including personal protective equipment, equipment, and training to providers and partners).
-- Ensure vaccine administration sites have appropriate capabilities to address adverse events, including anaphylaxis. - Ensure equitable distribution and administration of COVID-19 vaccines.
-- Monitor vaccination coverage among population subgroups, identifying populations and geographic areas with low coverage.
-- Implement and evaluate interventions and direct vaccine and vaccination efforts to increase coverage.
-- Monitor and improve access to vaccinations in communities.
-- Continue and expand on the work of Vaccine Equity Committees.
-- Have a written plan to address high-risk and specific populations and how to reach each group.
-- Partner, plan, and implement vaccination activities with critical organizations such as:
-- Colleges and Universities
-- Churches or religious institutions
-- Organizations and businesses that employ critical workforce.
-- Non-traditional providers and locations that serve high-risk populations.
-- Other partners that serve underserved populations
-- Plan and implement vaccination activities with organizations and businesses that employ frontline essential workers.
-- "ACIP used CISA guidance to define frontline essential workers as the subset of essential workers likely at highest risk for work-related exposure to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, because their work-related duties must be performed on-site and involve being in close proximity (<6 feet) to the public or to coworkers. ACIP has classifed the following non-health care essential workers as frontline workers: first responders, corrections officers, food and agricultural workers, U.S. Postal Service workers, manufacturing workers, grocery store workers, public transit workers, and those who work in the education sector as well as child care workers." - Increase vaccine confidence through education, outreach, and partnerships.
-- Enhance/amplify messaging to promote COVID-19 vaccination, especially among underserved populations.
-- Local education campaigns and approaches to adapting CDC materials to community audiences.
-- Address vaccine education effort. - Develop and implement community engagement strategies to promote COVID-19 vaccination efforts.
-- Support broad education efforts that explain to the public options for how/where/when they can get COVID-19 vaccine in their communities.
-- Partnerships for community engagement.
-- Implement a rapid community assessment guide to diagnose potential barriers and identify solutions.
-- Organize community based organizations and build local partnerships or coalitions. - Support high vaccination uptake in tribal nations.
-- Collaborate with Tribal organizations to develop culturally appropriate materials for their specific American Indian/Alaska Native populations.
-- Partners to consider include:
-- Tribal Health Programs and Urban Organizations
-- Tribal Epidemiology Centers
-- Area Indian Health Boards
-- Tribal WIC programs
-- Tribal daycares
-- Association of American Indian Physicians local affiliates
-- National Association of Indian Nurses of America local affiliates
-- Tribal and Urban Indian Health Immunization Coalition
-- Alaskan Native Tribal Health Consortium
Submission Requirements
Each proposal (maximum of 4 pages) must be submitted in Times New Roman or Arial font, 12 font size, 1.5 paragraph spacing and include in this order:
- Cover Sheet
- Scope of Work and Activities (1 page)
-- A clear complete Scope of Work.
-- A minimum of three activities (as listed above). - Rationale (1 page)
-- Describe specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound (SMART) activities.
-- Describe the chosen population(s) and present relevant supporting evidence.
-- Describe use of partnerships and address the plans.
-- Describe clear connections to the purpose of the funding. - Program Evaluation and Measurement Plan (1 page)
-- Describe a clear approach for tracking progress of SMART activities.
-- Describe planned participation with partners.
-- Describe clear monitoring and evaluation procedures that will be incorporated into planning and implementation. - Budget (1 page)
-- A detailed budget narrative containing appropriate justification to support activities listed.
-- Budget should be based on activities completed only. It should not include details pertaining to salaries, fringe, travel, and/or indirect costs.
Submit your proposal including the cover sheet, work plan and budget by March 31, 2021 through the link below.
If you should need any further information or have additional questions, please review the FAQs or contact via email at [email protected].
Page last updated: July 30, 2024