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Vaccines for Children Program
The Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program was created to remove vaccine costs as a barrier and in response to the private medical community's vital role in serving the immunizations needs of our youngest citizens. The Alabama VFC Program will supply vaccine at no cost to public and private health care providers who enroll and agree to immunize eligible children in their practices or clinics.
Children from birth through 18 years of age eligible to receive free vaccine through this program include children who are:
- Medicaid enrolled
- Uninsured
- American Indian or Alaskan Native
- Under-insured*
- Children who have health insurance that does not include vaccine as a covered benefit may receive free vaccine through the VFC Program from a federally qualified health center or a rural health clinic.
For information about the laws that created the VFC Program, visit the CDC National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases.
Note to All VFC Providers
**The 2023 Annual VFC Provider Profile will be released on January 9, 2023. This is a new release that will now be included in the IIS registry (ImmPRINT) under VOMS (Vaccine Order Management System). You will need to use your ImmPRINT Username and Password to log-in to ImmPRINT and provide this information. We will need you to submit this information as soon as possible so that VFC ordering can commence based on an Approved enrollment.
We have created a survey regarding the effects of COVID-19 on your practice and how it is/will affect the up-to-date vaccination status of your pediatric/adolescent patients. Please click here to complete the survey.
Below is CDC’s recommendation regarding routine childhood vaccines during COVID-19. Please share as appropriate.
Maintaining Childhood Immunizations During COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic is changing rapidly and continues to affect communities across the United States differently. Some of the strategies used to slow the spread of disease in communities include postponing or canceling non-urgent elective procedures and using telemedicine instead of face-to-face encounters for routine medical visits.
Ensuring the delivery of newborn and well-child care, including childhood immunization, requires different strategies. Healthcare providers in communities affected by COVID-19 are using guidance from the AAP for strategies to separate well visits from sick visits. Examples include:
- Scheduling well visits in the morning and sick visits in the afternoon
- Separating patients spatially, such as by placing patients with sick visits in different areas of the clinic or another location from patients with well visits.
- Collaborating with providers in the community to identify separate locations for holding well visits for children.
Because of personal, practice, or community circumstances related to COVID-19, some providers may not be able to provide well child visits, including provision of immunizations, for all patients in their practice. If a practice can provide only limited well child visits, healthcare providers are encouraged to prioritize newborn care and vaccination of infants and young children (through 24 months of age) when possible. CDC is monitoring the situation and will continue to provide guidance.
As always, I appreciate all of the hard work that your offices continue to do during this nationwide healthcare crisis. Please contact the VFC office at (800) 469-4599 or (866) 674-4807 if you have any questions or concerns during this time regarding VFC vaccine.
VFC Provider Benefits
Benefits include the following:
- Ensure your patients get vaccinated on time.
- Control who you see in your practice.
- No fee caps are set on the office visit charge, only administration fee.
Would you like to become a VFC Provider? Please see the information below regarding the program and how to enroll. Enrollment for all VFC providers is completed through ImmPRINT, the ADPH Immunization Registry. Please go to the ImmPRINT page for more information.
- Checklist for Completing New VFC Provider Enrollment Packet
- Alabama VFC Vaccine Management Plan (Revised 4/4/23)
- You Call the Shots Modules (CDC)
- Medicaid Data Sheet
- List of current VFC Providers
VFC Adolescent Vaccine Campaign
The Alabama VFC Program is pleased to announce the VFC Adolescent Vaccine Campaign. Our goal is to increase parental, community, and provider awareness and education regarding recommended adolescent vaccinations for 11-12 year olds: meningococcal, Tdap, and HPV. For more information about these vaccines and the diseases they prevent, visit the CDC Pre-teen and Adolescent Immunization website.
For Providers
The VFC Program requires that you re-enroll annually. Please complete and submit the following forms and required training.
Provider Information
Provider Policies
- VFC Vaccine Replacement Policy
- VFC Fraud, Abuse, and Wastage Policy
- Borrowing Policy
- School Based Vaccine Clinic Policy
There is utmost importance on following the policies designated by the ADPH VFC Program. Unfortunately, there are mulitple VFC providers who have had to replace or are currently having to replace VFC vaccines due to negligence. Please ensure that your practice is adhering to all of the VFC policies.
Vaccine Ordering and Returns
- VFC Flu Prebook Process Summary
- 2024-2025 Flu Order Form (Current Season)
- Private Physician Supplies Order Form/Requisitions
- Medicaid Billing Instructions (CPT Codes)
Vaccine Ordering Management System (VOMS) Instructions
- Assigning Users
- VFC Enrollment-Provider Profile
- VFC Inventory
- VFC Ordering
- Vaccine Returns
- Vaccine Wastage
- Track Vaccine Order
Vaccine Temperature Monitoring
- Refrigerator Temp Log (Fahrenheit)
- Refrigerator Temp Log (Celsius)
- Freezer Temp Log (Fahrenheit)
- Freezer Temp Log (Celsius)
- Data Logger Flyer (information regarding selecting and using a data logger)
- Data Logger Guidelines
- FridgeTag/FreezeTag Operating Manual(Protocol)
- Vaccine Storage Troubleshooting Record
VFC Vaccine Storage Guidelines
- Do Not Unplug Handout
- Freezer Setup for Vaccine Storage Handout
- Refrigerator Setup for Vaccine Storage Handout
- Monthly Care of Vaccine Storage Units Handout
- Only You Can Prevent Vaccine Loss Handout
- Preparing Freezers for Vaccine Storage Handout
- Preparing Refrigerators for Vaccine Storage Handout
- Role of Vaccine Coordinator Handout
- Safeguard Your Power Supply Handout
CDC and Other Provider Resources
- Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices VFC Resolutions
- General Best Practice Guidelines
- Vaccine Storage and Handling Recommendations (CDC)
- Vaccine Storage and Handling Toolkit (CDC)
- Alabama Medicaid Agency
Page last updated: December 27, 2024