Alabama Wellness Alliance
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Nutrition and Physical Activity
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Alliance Members
If you would like to be a part of the Alliance, please complete the application form. Learn more about the history of the task force.
Alliance Board Members
- Chair - Vacant
- Chair-Elect - Vacant
- Past Chair - Lita Chatham, MS, RDN, LD
- Secretary - Jody Lee
- ADPH Liaison - Molly Killman, MS, RD, LD
- Department of Education Liaison - Jonathan Thompson
- Healthcare Representative - Heidi Ramey
- Public Relations Representative - Sheena Q. Gregg, MS, RDN, LD
- Equity and Inclusion Representative - Pamela G. Bowen, PhD, CRNP, FNP-BC, BBA
- Gov. Comm. on Physical Fitness and Sports Liaison - Phil Holmes
- Long-Range Planning Physical Activity Representative - Dee Pack
- Long-Range Planning Nutrition Representative - Lindo Knol, PhD, RD
- Advocacy Representative - Tedra Smith, DNP, CPNP-PC, CNE, CHSE
Page last updated: April 1, 2024
Nutrition and Physical Activity
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