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Nutrition and Physical Activity

Nutrition and Physical Activity DivisionThe Nutrition and Physical Activity (NPA) Division implements nutrition and physical activity interventions, and promotes policy and environmental initiatives to increase the number of Alabamians who maintain a healthy weight, eat balanced meals, and are physically active. Learn more about the NPA's initiatives.

The division, located within the Bureau of Professional and Support Services, serves as the link to external partners that have similar interests in healthy lifestyles.

"This institution is an equal opportunity provider." The NPA Division participates in the SNAP-Ed Nutrition Education Program with the United States Department of Agriculture. Read full nondiscrimination statement.

Dietary Guidelines for Americans

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 provides advice on what to eat and drink to meet nutrient needs, promote health, and help prevent chronic disease. This edition of the Dietary Guidelines is the first to provide guidance for healthy dietary patterns by life stage, from birth through older adulthood, including women who are pregnant or lactating.

The New Nutrition Facts Label: What’s in it for You?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USDA) has updated the Nutrition Facts label on packaged foods for the first time in 20 years. The new label is based on the latest nutrition research and evidence-based guidelines found in the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. It also features cosmetic updates that make it easier for modern Americans to make informed choices that best serve their health and nutrition needs. Calories and serving size are displayed in larger, bold font. Serving sizes have been updated to reflect the amount that Americans typically eat or drink in one sitting, not how much one "should" eat. Multiple serving packages must include nutrition information per serving and per container. Percent Daily Values (%DV) have also been changed to reflect more recent dietary recommendations, and modifications have been made to nutrients listed to better serve the needs of modern Americans.

See these FDA resources for more details on these changes:

The Importance of Nutrition and Physical Activity

Nutrition and physical activity are important considerations in health areas such as:

  • Risk factors for chronic disease
  • Related cancers
  • Preventative measures

Visit Why is Nutrition and Physical Activity Important? for more information.

Page last updated: May 15, 2024