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Alabama Wellness Alliance

Alabama Wellness Alliance LogoThe Alabama Wellness Alliance (AWA) is a volunteer membership organization that seeks to create a healthier Alabama through advocacy, changes and programs. Please read our brochure for more information on our goals and objectives.

If you would like to be a part of AWA, please complete the application form.

Mission Statement

"Partnering to improve nutrition and physical activity in places where Alabamians live, learn, work, play, and worship."

Purpose Statement

"The Alliance works through collaboration, programs, policy, and environmental changes to support and promote healthy lifestyles."

"For Every Body" Campaign

The "For Every Body" Campaign is designed to support the Alabama Physical Activity and Nutrition Plan (ALPAN) 2023 – 2033 by encouraging healthy lifestyle behaviors and access to resources for all Alabamians. These social media graphics can be utilized to increase awareness of the ALPAN, promote state and local events, promote healthy behaviors, encourage use of community resources, and so much more. Visit the campaign page to learn more.

Alabama Physical Activity and Nutrition Plan 2023-2033

AWA is pleased to present the Alabama Physical Activity and Nutrition Plan. It is designed to provide guidance on goals, objectives, and recommendations for nutrition and physical activity strategies that improve health behaviors. AWA members and other individuals from multiple sectors around the state contributed their expertise, knowledge, and experience to the development of the plan. It is a resource with consistent messages and evidence-based strategies that are realistic, achievable, and appropriate for Alabamians. For more information, visit ALPAN.

Obesity and Chronic Disease

Visit Obesity and Chronic Disease to learn more about the link between obesity, cancer, and chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea, mental illness, and osteoarthritis.

Visit ADPH's Cancer Division to learn more about obesity and cancer. Some cancer risk factors cannot be avoided; however, maintaining a healthy weight is a behavior choice we can control.

Page last updated: September 12, 2024