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Bridge the Gap Conference Slides and Videos

Bridge the Gap

Satellite Conference - July 24, 2008
Windows Media | RealPlayer

Springville, Alabama

Bus Crash - March 28, 2008
Windows Media | RealPlayer
Slides - Set 1 | Slides - Set 2

Prattville, Alabama

Tornado - February 17, 2008
Windows Media | RealPlayer

Enterprise, Alabama

Tornado - March 1, 2007
Windows Media | RealPlayer
Slides (1 MB)

Sumter Regional Hospital

Tornado - March 1, 2007
Windows Media | RealPlayer
Slides (1 MB)

Hospital Re-Opening
Windows Media | RealPlayer

Public Service Announcement
Windows Media | RealPlayer

Hancock Medical Center

Hurricane Katrina - August 29, 2005
Windows Media | RealPlayer

National Preparedness Guidelines

In September 2007, the Department of Homeland Security published the National Preparedness Guidelines to help organize and synchronize national efforts to strengthen preparedness. This tool establishes a vision for national preparedness and provides a systematic approach for prioritizing preparedness efforts across the Nation.

Page last updated: March 14, 2023