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HIV and Pregnancy

1-800-228-0469The Office of HIV Prevention and Control collaborates with Alabama's medical providers to reduce the incidence of perinatal HIV infection. Access to routine comprehensive prenatal care for all HIV-positive pregnant women and their babies will help ensure this vision can be achieved.

This page will be updated as treatment and support services change on a state and federal level.

"HER Encore" National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Virtual Event

This National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day presentation includes guest speaker Kamaria Laffrey, Southern Community Engagement Coordinator with The SERO Project. It is hosted by EHE Coordinator Chelsey Holland. 

The Family Clinic

The staff at the University of Alabama Birmingham Family Clinic includes medical professionals who specialize in the treatment and care of HIV-infected pregnant women. Additionally, Family Clinic staff consists of a multi-disciplinary team that provides individual care and supportive services as well as access to research. Please view the Family Clinic's brochure for an overview of the clinical and supportive services and outreach programs offered.

Call the UAB Family Clinic for more information:
Local: (205) 638-9400
Toll-free: 1-888-441-3767

Children's Park Place 1 - Suite 110
1600 5th Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35233

Page last updated: April 5, 2023