Bureau of Communicable Disease
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Cancer Prevention Vaccines
Parents, you have the power to prevent some cancers in your children. There are two cancer-prevention vaccines available for boys and girls; Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine and Hepatitis B vaccine. See Alabama HPV Cancer Rates for more information.
Please visit ADPH's Cancer Division to learn more about HPV, vaccination and Cervical Cancer prevention.
HPV Vaccine
- An estimated 92% of cancers caused by HPV could be prevented by vaccine.
- HPV Vaccine Facts for Parents
- Pediatricians use their expertise to answer parents' questions about the HPV vaccine. See the CDC's new video series.
- HPV vaccine can prevent infection of 9 cancer-causing strains.
- In the U.S., there are 26,000 preventable cancer cases that could be avoided with the HPV vaccine.
- CDC recommends only two HPV shots for younger adolescents.
- Here is the HPV flyer for printing and sharing with your patients, family and friends. Aqui esta el folleto del VPH para compartir con familiares y amigos.
- Want more information about Alabama HPV Cancer Rates?
- Vaccine costs are covered by most insurance programs, Medicaid, and the Vaccines for Children Program (VFC).
Watch the following webinars and courses for more information on the HPV Vaccine:
- HPV Vaccine: When, Why, and How - Available through 01/06/2023. This free course informs on how to protect against HPV infection and its outcomes.
CDC released the 2019 National Immunization Survey (NIS) for Teens.
See the entire CDC 2020 National Immunization Survey (NIS) for Teens.
Survivor Stories
A Survivor Story by Christina Baze - Aug 31, 2016. Every parent and provider must hear!
Why You Should Get Screened
CDC's Physician and Staff Resources
- Tips for Talking to Parents
- Top 10 Ways to Improve HPV Vaccination Rates in Your Practice
- New Vaccine Safety Self-Study Guide
Marketing Resources
Page last updated: August 6, 2024