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Overdose Resources

The resources below are provided for those who have been impacted by an overdose or who seek information on how to help.

Table of Contents:


Naloxone Resources

The SAMHSA Opioid Overdose Prevention Toolkit outlines five steps for anyone responding to an overdose situation and providing first aid, including administering naloxone. The resource includes recognizing the signs and symptoms of an overdose and the dos and don'ts of an opioid overdose situation.

The Jefferson County Department of Health offers online training on using naloxone and naloxone kits.

The ADPH Naloxone Dispensing page is dedicated to information related to naloxone dispensing and naloxone training. It also includes information on current laws related to naloxone in Alabama as well as training resources available in the state. Also, several links to Spanish language resources for naloxone are provided.

Naloxone Video (6 minutes) - This video discusses the importance of Naloxone, including who should have access, how to use it, and safety.

Good Samaritan Law Video (8 minutes) - This video describes the Good Samaritan Law, discusses how the law applies to helping someone suffering from a drug overdose and provides links to additional resources.


Safe Disposal of Medications

One way that we can all work to prevent overdoses in our homes and communities is to dispose of medications after they are no longer needed. Prescription and non-prescription medications in the home present a risk of poisoning or overdose. It is important to not save medications for later use but to dispose of them properly. These resources provide information on medication disposal in our communities.

The DEA Controlled Substance Public Disposal Locations - Search Utility allows you to search by zip code or city for a disposal site within a 5, 10, 20, or 50-mile radius.

Safe Pharmacy allows users to search for disposal sites by address or zip code. The site also has information about the safe use of medications. The site is administered by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy and can be accessed in French and Spanish as well as English.

The FDA Drug Disposal: Drug Take Back Locations provides information about drug disposal and drug take-back events.

Safe Disposal of Prescription and Illicit Drugs Video (7 minutes) - This video reviews the importance of proper and safe disposal of prescription and illicit drugs. Additional resources and links for finding disposal drop-off locations are included.


Having Difficult Conversations

After an overdose event, families and friends often struggle with having difficult conversations about substance use and treatment. These videos: Part 1 and Part 2 (9 minutes each) discuss approaching these difficult conversations.


Recovery Organization of Support Specialists (ROSS)

The Recovery Organization of Support Specialists (ROSS) seeks to further develop and advance the role of Recovery Support within the community while promoting the right of self-determination and personal responsibility in individuals pursuing recovery. ROSS will provide support services to all individuals, both before and after treatment. No one in need of recovery support services will be denied immediate attention. The Recovery Organization of Support Specialists aims to advocate, empower, and collaborate for any individual seeking recovery. Phone number: 844-307-1760.


Information on Specific Substances/Drugs

Home Drug Tests

The results of drug tests can be confusing. These drug tests are widely available from pharmacies and there are many myths regarding their use. This video (13 minutes) addresses many of the common questions surrounding home drug tests.


Understanding the Dangers of Alcohol Overdose provides information regarding overdoses related to alcohol, including links to handouts in more than 10 languages. It also reviews risk factors as well as signs and symptoms of alcohol overdose.

More than Half of People who Misuse Prescription Opioids also Binge Drink - This article from the CDC reviews the relationship between opioid overdoses and alcohol use. It includes national statistics, regarding the coexistence of opioid and alcohol substance use.

Benzodiazepines (alprazolam, diazepam)

Benzodiazepine-Associated Risks describes the risks associated with benzodiazepines including substance use disorder, falls, memory disorders, and the potential for increased risk of death.


The DEA Drug Fact Sheet: Cocaine includes information on the common forms of cocaine misuse as well as symptoms of overdose.


Hallucinogens DrugFacts from the National Institute of Drug Abuse contains information on the short and long-term effects of many hallucinogens, including LSD, peyote, dextromethorphan, and others in this group. The site also includes information on the effects of use during pregnancy. The site has a link for printable handouts in English and Spanish. Other information includes various names for these agents and the routes they are commonly used.

The DEA Drug Fact Sheet: Hallucinogens includes easy-to-read information on multiple hallucinogens and their effects on those that use them. Includes different names for agents such as LSD, peyote, and Ecstasy.


The DEA Inhalants provides core information about inhalants including their effects on the body. The page also includes a downloadable 2-page fact sheet.

Marijuana and marijuana edibles

This CDC website describes potential serious reactions related to marijuana including those that could be potentially fatal for someone with preexisting medical conditions or someone who uses marijuana with another substance.

Marijuana DrugFacts from the National Institute of Drug Abuse contains information on the short and long-term effects of marijuana use as well as the effects on pregnancy. The site has a link for printable handouts in English and Spanish. Other information includes various names for marijuana and information on edible products and vaping.

Methamphetamine and Prescription Stimulants

The DEA Drug Fact Sheet: Stimulants provides information on stimulant substances as a group. This handout covers the effects of regularly used quantities as well as symptoms seen with overdose.


The DEA Drug Fact Sheet: Narcotics presents an overview of the opioid drug class. It includes a broad range of information including street names, clinical signs of use, and overdose symptoms.


Heroin DrugFacts from the National Institute of Drug Abuse provides information on heroin, including the symptoms of use and overdose. It also includes information on treatment options for those with substance use disorder. The page is available as a PDF and in Spanish.

The March of Dimes Heroin and Pregnancy has information specific to those using heroin who are pregnant or may become pregnant. It includes links for those seeking treatment for their heroin use disorder while pregnant.


Fentanyl: Emergency Responders at Risk from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health includes recommendations for first responders who may encounter fentanyl and other opioids in the course of their work. The page covers safe work practices, the use of PPE, decontamination, and naloxone use for the treatment of exposures. 

The CDC Fentanyl provides information in lay language with numerous links to more details regarding opioids and overdoses. Also, it includes a link to information in Spanish.

The DEA Drug Fact Sheet: Synthetic Opioids explains the differences between fentanyl and other opioids. The handout also describes symptoms of use and overdose.

Page last updated: October 9, 2024